Characters in this post

View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Nathan Steele
It's just a flesh wound!
Posted byPosted: Jan 17, 2013, 6:21pm
That was when someone new entered the cargo bay. “Hey you guys!” Shouted the man.
“Who are you?” Seymour snapped.
"My name is Nathan, I've just woken up from stasis."
At that exact moment one of the cables on the crane snapped. A steel rod swung around.
The man in the wheelchair shouted at the top of his voice, "DUCK!!"
<end snip>
Nathan found himself being thrust across the room suddenly by a heavy weight. The weight turned out to be Jay Chrysler, launching himself at the stranger and throwing him out of harms way.
“Erm thanks.”
“No problem...” Jay muttered, picking himself up and dusting himself off.
That manouvere had utterly exhausted him. He didn't like it. Such a small exertion and he was knackered. Was this what it was going to be like for the next...however long he had left?
His head was still pounding, and his joints ached, but for now at least the pain and discomfort was minimal. He could hide his illness. For now.
“Well..” shouted Alex from the cranes cab “There goes our rescue plan...what say we huddle up and come up with plan...erm..C?”
“NO!” Jay shouted “No smegging huddling! What's with you lot?”
Jay hadn't really thought about it, but he was the only one, aside from the newcomer and the hamster who's glowstick was just a stick.
“Of course” he thought “The virus cured it...”
This was meant he could think straight...well as straight as you could with the headache from hades and being surrounded by overly sexed men with fluorescent love-poles.
Seymour, for example, right now was dry-humping his own wheelchair.
“Wolfie..” Jay said “Saddle up...”
“You what?” replied the rodent. “Oi!”
Jay had mounted White Wolf like a horse, and jabbed his heels into his sides.
“Get the smeg off me!”
“MUSH!” Jay yelled
“That's sled-dogs!” White Wolf replied
“Ok..erm...giddy up?”
“I'll give you some duct-tape...”
White Wolf paused for a second. Curse the man. He knew his weakness.
“Alright...alright...lets go” White Wolf burst into a four legged sprint, and with Chrysler hanging on to his fur climbed the scaffold and onto the gangway, he charged toward Jagara, Jay standing up on his back as though surfing, and launched himself into the air, as Jay leapt off. White Wolf grabbed Shelly, throwing her onto his back and climbing back down the scaffold at a speed only a rodent could manage while Jay continued his leap and delivered a flying kick to Jagara's face, knocking her to the ground and making her drop her weapon.
Jay scrambled for it, but was tackled to the ground by the Gelf, who shifted form as she fell to hit the ground running. Jay kicked the Gelf hard in the face, forcing her to let go of him legs, and he grabbed the gun, turning it on her.
He aimed the weapon at her.
“No-one needs to get hurt,...” he said “Just...let us go.”
His vision was blurring. Not smegging now. He couldn't focus. He couldn't even tell if he was aiming properly at Jagara. The virus was screwing with him, that was for sure.
To make it worse, Jay heard a noise.
The crying of a child coming through the thin partition wall that cut the cargo bay in half.
“Max?” he gasped, wheeling around suddenly, his paternal need to protect his child kicking in.
Jagara took advantage of this tackled Jay once more, managing to regain the weapon.
Jay struggled free, and got to his feet, Jagara bearing down with the mining laser aimed at him on maximum setting.
Stupid. Jay thought. Letting himself get distracted.
Jagara grinned as she squeezed the trigger, and a high-power laser beam tore into Jay's chest, the force of which blasting him through the partition wall and into the next section, where he toppled from the gantry and landing, on top of Zizhan, and knocking her unconcious just as Katrina and Cass were coming round.
The two women spotted Jays bloodied, battered, scorched body laying there, complete with it's freshly burned hole through the centre of his chest. Katrina screamed in anguish, Cass was stunned into silence.
That was until Jay stood up, his wounds healing before their eyes.
“What?” he asked, innocently.
<tag...lets not make it that easy!>