Can't make an omelette without breaking a few Smegs

Jacky headed back the way he came, or at least the way he thought he came. He came to a fork in the path. "Lets see..." He muttered to himself. "I went down the pathway with snack dispenser 37..." He looked at both hallways. Both had a snack dispenser in them, both of which had the number rubbed off. This annoyed him, as it was such a low-probability occurrence. Snack machines in both hallways. Why? They were about ten feet away from each other. And why had they been rubbed off? It appeared deliberate. Who would do that? Why? This had been an annoying day for him, and it'd only been an hour or so. The only way he knew where to go was the way back to the Huzzards. "Should I ask them for directions?" he thought. It was insane, sure, but they had to have been there for a while, knew their way around. "What am I thinking?" he said aloud. "They're giant lizards. This may just be my worst idea ever."

He gave that some thought.

"No. Dating April was my worst idea ever."
and he headed back the way he came.

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