Please keep all your limbs inside until the vehicle comes to a comp
Kayn and Efof
The Valkyrie/Argus Prime
"What are we doing here?" asked Efof, watching as Kayn dove through the atmosphere of the gelf planet.
"I'm just checking up on the away team..." Kayn said, smiling
"You just want to fly this thing some more!" Efof complained
"I DO NOT! If you must know I don't trust Harris with the ammo he's packing for the mission. The suicide squad deserves something less..." Kayn racked his brain for the word and finally came up with "suicidal..."
"What's that thing that just broke through the walls of the big building?" Efof asked, pointing at the assault vehicle. It trundled along, taking shots at the persuing gelfs
"Efof...that is what we humans call a tank...but your pacifist ffionian brain couldn't handle the concept..."
"And isn't that one of the security team in the turret?"
"Erm...yes...that seems to be Lloyd..."
"And that smoking cratery type thing over there would happen to be a..."
"Starbug...with lots of Gelfs inside it or something"
"Right...So I can safely say" Efof intoned "That the blue dwarf security team aka the suicide redcoats, messed up yet another mission?"
"Guess it wasn't a waste of time coming here then!" Kayn smiled. The words 'I'm going on a mission, I'm going on a mission, I'm going on a mission" filled his brain completely...
(Resuce squad's here! Do you lot trust this bucket of bolts enough though...)