Characters in this post

View character profile for: Davie Jones (Deceased)

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Justin Pancake

View character profile for: Alfredo Gomez

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure
Knurd Escape
Posted byPosted: May 23, 2012, 4:47am
"So we need to escape..dammit i need to think straight..this is going to end badly"
Phil said grabbing a handful of coffee beans and eating them.
Which was quite a good guess on Phil's part as he started to choke and go a bit purple until Alfredo slapped him hard on the back. Seymour, who was giggling at Phil's discomfort, stopped laughing when partially digested coffee granules landed on his face.
"This isnt working..I need to get....Knurd!"
This didn't get the response he was hoping for.
"Knurd? You allright Phil? " asked Alex. "What's knurd?"
Phil was about to reply when of all people, Justin gave the right answer.
"He means super sober. It's the reverse of drunk..knurd..drunk..gettit?"
The stunned looks that everyone gave as Phil nodded in agreement was equally shared between the fact that Justin gave a right answer to something and not knowing how this could help their situation.
"Why would you want to do that?"
"Right..some of you may not know that when i get drunk to a certain level I start thinking I am Satan and strength and speed increases,all down to my blessed GELF DNA..right? Well i discovered a while ago that being sober makes me smarter and more agile, i can Pilot things without crashing into the only tree on a planet 3 times the size of earth , for example. There is a couple of downsides though"
"What are those?" asked Alfredo, still chuckling at the sight of a coffee bean stuck to the middle of Seymours forehead he hadn't noticed.
"Well, 1 - It doesn't last long, seems my body naturals produces it own alcohol..and makes me act like another mythological figure.."
Phil mumbled something
"Sorry Phil could you speak up there..Who was it?"
"Elrond the Elf!"
<Tag..right lads..we need to get Phil Knurd and fast>