"Captain Cucumber?"

They walked up the corridor to catch up with the others. Seymour looked like he was going to ask an important question. “So when it comes down to it, do I have your vote?” He said awkwardly.

<end snip>

"Sure why not" said Phil."considering whats coming up you need the boost".
Jay gave Phil a look. Even Seymor stopped moving.
"I'm not sure i like the way you said that..whats going to happen?"
Phil quickly filled Seymor in as much as his brain could handle without turning into cheese, with regards to the STCP, and what they was doing here.
One of the objectives Phil had set out was to find his old Data pad from the days he spent on the dwarf. It was able to record pretty much everything that occured around it. Getting hold of it would allow them to find out many things. If Anyone else got their hands it they would the equivelant of a super computers worth of historial data to mine through, though like all Febuggure brand Technologys getting it to work they way you wanted was the difficult task. The last time he saw it, Mini-Phil had 12 Petabytes of goat porn on it and it didnt even use 1% of the storage capacity. It also had the "Chryler Propherices" hopefully on it..plus a few other data files Phil really wanted. It surviving 3 milloin years was not n issue. But someone else using it was very possible. And very dangerous to the fabric of space time. Plus simply wanted it back.

"Ok so you involved in temproal stuff again..I get that...but what does that have to do with me?"

Jay was about to say something when he saw Phil winking at him and nodding slighty to Seymour.

"Well after you win the election coming up you are found dead...with a cumcumber in your bum...but the worst part...it was a CHEAP cumcumber!.. That and it was at some important fuction for local royalty. They was giving you an award or knighthood or something. Couldnt see much from your file"

Seymour went pale. He wasnt sure what was more embarrasing. The cumcumber or emabarrising himself in front of (possible) royalty.

His mind racing he latched onto the one thing that mattered to him right now

"But,despite that..You are going to vote for me?"

"For Captain Cumuber? Sure."

"Marvelous..Now what about your vote Mr Chrysler?"

Jay was about to tell in graphic detail, but got distracted as Cass was giggling again at seymour as she walked ahead slighty.

Phil looked at Jay,looked as Cass and grinned again.

*inside Phil's Mind * {Troll Mode activated}

"So..Jay..that Cass..she got a great ass does she not?"


< Prev : Strange Company, Indeed. Next > : Happy reunions