Castle Bravo

Who: Davie,
Justin, Holly
Where: An underground emergency landing bay, New
When: Just after the Star Bug crashed
The Platform door open automatically as they approached.
They braced themselves, and the Star Bug crashed into an underground cavern.
They screeched along a metal floor and then screamed to a stop.
<End Snip>
            Davie pulled him self up
off the floor, his battered exoskeleton making the effort easier. Justin stood
up next to Davie,
both of them covered in debris form the crash, the Star Bug laying almost on
it's side. "We've got to get out of here." said Justin. Davie pumped his shot gun, and walked over to
the door, which had been jostled loose by the crash. He peered slowly out into
the darkness of the underground landing gantry, the only illumination coming
from spot fires on ground around the ship. Not seeing any Zombies, Davie turned to Justin,
who was standing at the ready with his pistol. "It's clear." said Davie, dropping out of the
hatch onto the ground, followed by Justin, and then by Holly, who came floating
out. The scutters were the last out of the ship, they came one at a time, half
falling out a few feet from the ground.
            Davie began to walk
forward slowly, the night vision filter of his helmet flickering every so
often. A noise, to their left, and the group spun in unison to the hand of the
Simulant fall limp to the ground from underneath a piece of the wrecked Star
Bug. Davie
tensed, and prepared to pull the trigger, when the arm rolled completely out
from under the wreckage, severed fro the main body of the Sim. "Stay back." Davie said, walking
towards the pile of wreckage covering the Sim. Davie grabbed hold of a large piece of
sheered off metal covering most what he needed to see, and pulled. There,
underneath the wreckage, lay the motionless robotic corps of the Sim, a large
segment of pipe jutting through hi mid section.
            Davie inched forward, and
nudged him with the barrel of his shot gun, but the Sim still lay there
motionless, his body steaming from burnt circuitry and broken servos. "Alright,
I think he's dead." said Davie,
stepping away from the corps. "Now let's get outta here."
            The group
walked to the far end of the landing bay, and into a small control room. "Now,"
said Davie,
"let's see if there is a ship anywhere nearby. That bomb's going to go off
soon, and  wouldn't want to be around
when it does."
then," said Justin, sitting at a computer terminal, "let's see what we can
Justin sat at the terminal searching through data, Davie began to look around the control room,
and spotted a long range radio consol. "Smeg!" said Justin. "What?"
closest available ship is more than three miles away!"
            Davie began and Justin
began to think. "Hey, Justin?" said Davie.
            "I think I
have a way off this planet."
            Davie smiled, and walked
briskly over to the radio consol, switching it on. "I just need to find the
right frequency…"
            "What are
you doing?" asked Justin.
            "I have a
ship that I've been working on for a while now, and I've installed a voice
command system on it to work in conjunction with the onboard computer
interface. Actually the only reason I had to work on it was because you shot me down."
"Oh, yeah…I actually wasn't aiming
for you ya' know?"
"Yeah, but you still shot me. Here
we go, I found the frequency…let's hop it works."
Justin looked at Davie,
and Davie began
to speak into the radio. "Activation code; Davie 000."
They waited for a moment, listening
to the crackle of the radio. "Engine systems, at your command, Davie Jones."
came a deep robot voice in return. "Weapon systems, at your command. All
systems at your command. Awaiting your orders."
Davie smiled, and looked at Justin, who
seemed surprised it worked. "Exit Blue Dwarf flight deck, fly to planet and set
down near this transmission."
"Orders received and understood.
ETA: 7.5 minuets."
Davie stepped back from the consol, smiling.
"So you have a ship with a voice command system installed on it? That's a
little convenient, don't you think?"
"Well, I did say I've been working
on it. There is still one problem though."
"What now?"
"It's a one seater."
"Yeah. But I've got a plan! Now,
we've got to work fast."
"What is this plan of yours?"
"Follow." said Davie walking back out into the landing bay
towards the crashed Star Bug in the middle of the landing bay. "Stand way
back." said Davie,
climbing inside the wrecked mass of machinery. Inside the Star Bug, Davie scrambled up to the
cockpit, and released the section clamps. The entire cockpit dropped  off of the main body intact, landing like a
giant marble in the middle of the gantry. Davie
turned and grabbed one of the space suits off of the wall, and slid out the new
opening in the front of the Stag Bug. "Just what are you planning?" asked
Justin impatiently. "This is the plan; you put this on," Davie said, handing Justin the suit, "and
climb inside, with the scutters and Holly, manually close the pressure sealed
fire door, and I tow you up into space with my ship. How's that for a slice of
fried gold?"
Justin stood there, staring at the
Mercenary. "What?" asked Davie.
"Nothing…just…do you plan these things out, or just make them up as you go
along?" asked Justin curiously. Davie
was about to answer when a soft, muffled explosion shook the underground
landing platform, and the growling moan of a hoard of Zombies filled the air.
"Get the suit on and get in! Close the door!" Davie shouted, replacing the helmet of his
exoskeleton. He ran over to the main entrance of the landing bay, pumping his
shot gun. The enterance was barely cracked open, and Davie peered out at the horde of zombies
approaching from the far end. Smeg…he
The doors themselves weren't strong
enough to withstand a beating from so many of them for more than a few minuets.
Davie stepped
towards a nearby set of heavy lockers, and drug them quickly over to the doors,
just in time for the first shock of the zombies slammed into the doors wide
frame. "Let's that at least buys us a few minuets." he said. Now, I need a tow cable.
            He ran back to the hulking
wreckage of the Star Bug, and saw Justin climbing into the detached cockpit
after the Scutters. Davie
hopped into the body of the ship and headed for the cargo bay. He quickly
rummaged through the boxes and crates of materials and gear. A box caught his
eye. The box read "Derelict Recovery and Tow Kit"
there's a stroke of luck!" exclaimed Davie,
opening the large metal box and dumping it's contents onto the floor. He
grabbed a long, thick, sturdy towing cable and left the shell of the Star Bug.
He ran up to the detached cockpit carrying Justin, Holly, and the scutters, and
attached it the cockpits docking clamps. Justin had just sealed himself in his
space suit when the ceiling opened above them, and Davie's ship came sailing down automatically
towards them, it's black hull gleaming dully in the planet's sun light.
The ship landed next to the cockpit
of the Star Bug, and Davie
hurried over to it. He attached the other end of the tow cable to his ship, and
opened the cockpit. He jumped inside and saw Justin starting to close the
pressure door on the disconnected Star Bug cockpit. Out of the corner of his
eye, Davie saw
a pile of scrap metal from the crash of their Star Bug. Suddenly, the doors
holding back the horde of zombies on the other side of the gantry gave way with
a tearing metal sound. Davie's
head snapped round and saw a wave of zombies pour through destroyed door. He
turned back to his controls to take off, when his vision was suddenly filled
with the angry face of the Simulant, sitting on his canopy filled with rage.
"Ohhh, give us a break!!" shouted Davie
at the one armed, half destroyed homicidal manic on his ship.
The Simulant drew his fist back to
strike through the glass of the canopy, when a spark flew off of the side of
his head and he went sprawling to the floor. Davie turned to see Justin peering through
the barely open pressure door of the cockpit, the barrel of his pistol still
smoking. Davie
turned back, smiling, and began to lift off just in time as the swarm of
zombies rushed towards them. Davie's
ship ascended into the sky, trailing the large round metal ball behind it. Lava
exploded out of the ground beneath them, engulfing everything in it's path.
They climbed higher and higher, up
and up into the sky, as Davie taxed his engines full throttle to escape the
imminent blast from the 30 megaton self destruct hydrogen warhead on parallel
Blue Dwarf. Suddenly, as the lava reached the crashed Blue Dwarf, and a
blinding explosion filled the sky. A mushroom cloud of dust , debris, and magma
shot up into the air. The shock wave from the bomb shook Davie's ship, he could only imagine how bumpy
the ride was for Justin and the others.
As they exited the atmosphere, the
planet behind them collapsing and blazing with the intensity of a small sun, Davie saw a small ship
that looked like a converted missile being fired upon by Blue Dwarf, his home Blue Dwarf. Several of Blue
Dwarf's cannons swiveled towards him. Davie
turned his ship hard away from the laser blasts popping around him and the Star
Bug section trailing behind him, which made his maneuverability almost nothing.
" Blue Dwarf! This is David Jones of the security department! Your firing on
your own crew DAMMIT!!" Davie
shouted into his radio. "I say again, hold your fire!"
guns stopped temporarily, and his radio crackled to life. "David Jones, supply
your Ident number immediately or you will be fired upon and destroyed." came a
mean sounding voice with a French accent. "Ident number Additional 87968."
There was a pause for a moment, and
then the voice replied "You are clear to dock."
            Davie flew the ship
slowly into the flight deck landing gantry, and began to set down, magnetizing
his ship to the deck. He opened the canopy and free floated upwards. "What the
smeg?" he said. At that moment, Justin opened the pressure fire door on the
Star Bug section, and floated out with the six scutters and Holly. "What the
smeg?" asked Justin. "Yeah, that's exactly what I said."
"Artificial gravity must be out.
"Don't ask me, I only work here."
said Davie. The
Scutters magnetized themselves to the floor. "There's a thought." said Justin,
switching on the magnetic boots of his space suit. "…magnetize?"
said Davie to
his exoskeleton's computer. To his surprise, it worked. He smiled triumphantly.
"Justin," said Davie,
"I think we should lay low for a while. I don't know about you, but I'm gonna
help those guys outside."
At that moment twelve heavily armed
security troops sailed into the flight deck with zero gravity booster packs. Davie looked around
quickly. "The vent! On my signal!" shouted Davie, releasing his boots hold on the
ground, and pushing a large container floating next to him towards the squad of
security personnel. "Now!!" he shouted as the container smashed into them,
scattering them across the bay. Davie
moved upwards towards the vent, blasting the cover off with his shot gun. The
blast sent him back downwards. The scutters, Justin, and Holly were already
half way there with Davie
still behind when the security began to get their smeg together. Davie turned, and fired a
barrage of suppressing fire in their direction, the force of the gun pushing
him towards the vent.
He fired again, this time the force
of the gun blasts pushed him the remainder of the distance. He pulled himself
inside, and the Scutters discharged their weapons into the metal surrounding
the entrance to the vent,  causing the
shaft to buckle, closing it off. "Let's split up, we'll be harder to track that
way." Davie
said to Justin. "Right." said Justin.
"Holly, you stay hidden, try to
keep to the vents as much as possibly, keep your ear to ground and you and the
Scutters feed us with info, alright?"
"Yeah, alright." said Holly.
"Alright," began Davie,
"now let's split up and try to get as far away from the landing bay as possible
before they get in the vents. Good luck, see you guys around." said Davie, and the grope split
up, heading down different vent shafts in the zero gravity of the ship.
<OOC – Well…let's see how this turns out, shall we?>

< Prev : Seymour - "Mining Missile" Next > : "To hot, to cold, to happy, to sad."