Efof + Jay "Ejecting the old core"

"I'll eject the old computer core from here. That'll give you space." Said
Rufus. "Just head down there now and it should just replace itself."
Jay nodded. "Okay. Easy." He said. "Oh, Efof... can you carry me down there
Efof sighed. "My shift ended ages ago, I was really looking forward to a Woo W-"
He saw his Captain scowl at him. "Okay then." He said and picked up the
suitcase, and put the tiny Jay on his shoulder.
"See ya Rufus buddy!" He said, and they left.
<end snip>
Who: Efof Yuwan'Kar and Captain Jay Chrysler
Where: Blue Dwarf computer core
When: After Efof walked down there with Jay on his shoulder
Efof entered the massive room that housed Holly's computer core. As the doors
slid open, a cold draught of wind hit them in the face. This place was still and
lifeless, like a tomb.
The actual computer core descended into a chasm deep underneath them, a deep
circular hole with computer components and LED's around the sides. Normally, all
these LED's would be alight in a blaze of colourful glory. Each light
representing some piece of Holly's brain processing a though. Now though, each
light was turned off.
"So this is Holly." Said Efof, his voice echoing around the large room. He
peered over the edge of the precipice, which dangerously had no hand-rail. Efof
looked down at the floors and floors of computer processors. As he peered down,
he forgot that Jay was on his shoulder, clinging on for his life with his legs
dangling over the edge.
"Help, help!" Jay said and Efof quickly stood upright, and placed Jay back
firmly onto his shoulder.
Jay got his breath back and replied to Efof's earlier statement.
"It used to be Holly." he said, a quiet whisper near to Efof's ear. "But not
anymore. He's... dead."
Efof nodded, almost shaking the minute Captain off his shoulder. "But it's
okay." said the optimistic Ffionian. "We're here to replace him."
Efof bent down to unpack the new computer core from the suitcase he had been
carrying. As he bent down, Jay slipped off his shoulder and into his top shirt
pocket for a better view.
Efof took out a small metal tube out from the padded briefcase. It was a
miniature version of the computer core they were looking at. Efof even held it
out at arms length for comparison. "It looks just the same!" He exclaimed. "But
loads smaller."
"It'll look bigger soon." Said Jay.
"Isn't that such a clever technology!" Efof remarked. "Making something really
small to carry it around, then making it big again! Do you think they will let
me do that when I've bought too many things from Morrisons? Or Ikea!"
Jay ignored him. "Now all we have to do is replace the old core with this one"
He said, then found Efof's radio in his pocket and used it to talk to Rufus.
"Rufus we're ready. Eject the core."
The voice came back. "Sorry, I just realised I can't do it remotely. Holly's
down, so all computer access has been locked out. You'll have to do it
Jay nodded and tugged on Efof's shirt to get his attention. "Efof. Pull that
lever over there." Jay pointed a tiny arm towards the wall.
Efof stepped away from the edge of the balcony they were on, towards an obvious
lever on the wall marked "Core ejection".
Efof pulled the lever. The lights in the room dimmed to dramatic red ones, and a
siren started to wail. A spotlight highlighted a second lever. This one marked
"Are you sure?"
"Are we sure?" Efof said.
Jay shrugged. "Never ever done this. Probably" he said.
Efof bit his lip and pulled the second lever.
Instantly the ground started to shake. The core behind them started to tremble.
Efof ran over to the edge, to look at the core. Something he would regret in
about twenty seconds time.
The massive computer core dropped, as if the ground beneath it had been removed.
It started relatively slowly, and then when at top speed was moving like a
massive express train away from them.
Efof waved. "Bye Holly!" He said. "You were a good computer. Well, until you
tried to kill us all of course."
The core was ejected into space, leaving a gaping hole where it had been sucked
out of the bottom of the starship. Efof looked down and started to feel the pull
of outer space, sucking all the air out of the room.
Jay, who was much lighter then he was, was sucked completely out of his pocket,
and was only just saved by Efof grabbing him as he flew through the air.
Efof caught the Captain in his hand and held him close to his chest.
"Efof what did you do wrong?" Jay scolded.
"I think I did everything right...." Said Efof. "The hole it was ejected out of
should have been covered up by now. A door should slide across and close it...
but it hasn't."
The air rushing past Efof was now too much for him. He was sucked closer and
closer to the precipice, and finally was pulled over it. He spun, holding onto
the edge with three hands (his other was clutching Jay), and his legs dangled
over the edge.
"I can't hold on much longer..." He gasped.
<Tag who wants to rescue us so that we don't get sucked into space?>

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