Rosette & Mk.10 - "Alien Hand Syndrome"

"I'm ok..." Rosette said to Mk.10, who turned around. What he saw now was a very strange sight. One that made him very glad that what/who he could see was on his side.
"Wow. How did you manage that?" He asked, intrigued about the possibilities.
He surveyed Rosette for a moment. She was looking mostly human. Her body was entirely there, and entirely human. The only difference were the six legs sticking out of her back, which were currently being used to stand on. She was hanging from them in the centre of what looked like a climbing frame.
"It's the perks of being in control of a bug." She quipped, and began to walk forward, having a bit of difficulty coordinating the two distinct bodies. As the spider legs moved, so did her human legs, as if she was walking in mid-air.
"Don't stare, its hard to do this you know." She said as Mk.10 walked along behind her, not sure of what they were going to do next.
They wandered through the corridors, every so often a security camera would turn in their direction, but either a weapon blast from Mk.10, or a sharp spider-leg from rosette would fly towards it, and take it out. Yes, it was giving Holly a trail to follow, but he couldn't actually tell where they were until another camera died.
"Hey, watch it. I thought you had control of the bug!" Mk.10 called, pointing a gun at Rosette.
"I do, what are you talking about?" She responded, looking down the corridors. "It's this way." She said.
"You tried to impale me." Mk.10 continued.
"I did not!"
"Yes you did, i saw it. There it is again!" He called, diving away.
Deep in Rosette's mind, the Hymenoptera was laughing. "Come on little robot, try dodging this one." Then another leg shot out at Mk.10.
"If you don't take control of that leg, i'm going to shoot it off." He threatened, holding his weapons up.
"I'm telling you, I'm not doing anything!" She said, turning around to face Mk.10, just at the same time as the bug tried to impale the small robot.
"Oh. Hold on." She said, digging into her subconcious again. Her face went blank for a moment as she concentrated on controlling all of it.
"There." She said, the colour returning to her face. She looked a mess though. Black under her eyes, the bug not giving her a moments peace, even when she tried to sleep. Her hair was a total mess too, the escapades in the 12th century and Pancake messing up the shower really made it difficult to look better than she did. She didn't care anymore though.
"Ok, sure you've got it now?" Mk.10 asked, not lowering his weapon.
"Yeah, i've got it."
The two continued down the corridor towards the hangar bay, nothing much of Holly's attempts at stopping them had shown themselves though. Maybe he was too busy trying to kill the crew outside in the starbugs? Neither of them cared, they just wanted to get everyone back on board.
Jay shot him a look of anger. "One thing at a time."
"Maybe Mk10 and Rosette can fill the flight deck with cushions so it's a soft landing." Efof said hopefully. "Or balloons."
"Don't be stupid Efof. I don't think they've got enough time to blow up a hundred or so balloons that it'd need to cushion our landing!"
"Not with that attitude!" Efof shot back.
"Chrysler to Mk10 and LaChance, Chrysler to Mk10 and LaChance. Do you read?" Jay said through the comms.
"Captain!" Rosette responded instantly through the comm system Mk.10 had found for her. "We read you, but we're still not even on the flight deck, let alone in a hanger." she replied.
"Get there fast! If you don't, we're dead! I don't care if you have to use that luck virus, just GET THAT DOOR OPEN!" he yelled, before the comm system went dead.
"Holly's interfering. I can't get a signal anymore..." Mk.10 said, checking his internal systems.
"Either that, or Holly got them..." she said, taking the pessimistic approach.
<tag Mk.10, see what you can make of that!>

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