Cmdr Niples "Golden arches lay in rubble"

JMC Blue Dwarf
The affectionless Commander Niples walked down the promenade, it was empty except for a few youths who were breaking into shops.
"Hmmm, youths breaking into shops." he thought, "Nahh, I dont care."
He walked a bit further along the row of shops and came upon the burning wreckage of the MacDonalds restaurant, the restaurant which he used to care so much for.
"Hmmm, someone blew up MacDonalds." he thought, waiting for his brain to create an emotion. "Nahh, I dont care."
He was about to walk off when he realised he should make a note of it so that he could care when he got his love and affection back.
He took a JMC standard issue biro out of his top pocket and wrote on his hand.
MacDonalds blown up
Later a message came over the intercom from Lt. Smegg. "I captured a polymorph all by myself!" he said proudly. "Everyone to the officers' break room!"
Niples started to get a bit angry about that. "How dare you order me around! I'm your superior officer, have you got no humility you little..." but his insults were drowned out by the sound of a monorail passing the promenade over his head.
He went to the officers lounge anyway, he had nothing better to do. Well, he had a lot of work to do, but he didn't care about it.
30 minutes later
Officer's break room
The break room was full of officers, some of whom Smegg had called there, some were just enjoying a meatloaf sandwich from the snack bar.
Even the captain had turned up, which is not surprising as the polymorph had turned him into a brilliant captian who actually cared about what happens on his ship.
Before Smegg could microwave the captured polymorph, 3 people walked in to the room, claiming to be Seymour's relatives.
"Seymour!" the man exclaimed. "My brother! I haven't seen you in years!""Uncie Seymour! Uncie Seymour!" the little boy exclaimed. "Daddy, this is Uncie Seymour, right?""Hey," the 17-year-old said rather devoid of emotions.
Seymour knew the man could not be who he said he was because his real brother had died on Veridian IX.
Bet as Niples thought about the tragic events he fell onto his knees crying.
The polymorph sucked out his sadness.
A few minutes later he was feeling very sleepyyyyyy...... zzzzzzz
==================================Lt. David "Onion" BallAssistant Helm officer/ Pilot  USS Endeavour-ACommander Seymore Niples  JMC Blue you being paid for being online? I am!

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