OOC - Challenge! Write your ideal Red Dwarf comeback episode

OOC - Hello everyone, this was just a silly idea I had, please don't
judge me!
The New Red Dwarf two-parter
The new Red Dwarf episodes are due to be aired in April '09,
titled "Back to Earth". I know some of you might be excited, and some
of you will be crossing your fingers like me and chanting "please
don't f*ck it up and ruin Red Dwarf!"
So what I thought would be a good idea was to give each of us an
outlet for expressing what we think the story should be about. The
title is "back to Earth" so I guess we basically know what it's
about, but we don't necessarily know the "how" or "why".
The Challenge!
Okay so I submit to you all a challenge. Write a story of what you
think would be the best Red Dwarf comeback ever! You can write it
however you want, in script form if you're feeling brave, or just in
normal 3rd person like we do all the time on BD. At first i thought
I'd be a actually a bit nevous about using Lister, Rimmer, Kryten and
the Cat as I've never written about them before - but then again,
they are characters that are so well defined, and I know them so
well, surely it should be easy right?
Don't post it here
Email your story to me, and I'll stick it on the BD website for all
to see. Don't post your story it here to the group though, that might
make things complicated ans weird.
So there you go. If you've always wanted to write about the Red Dwarf
characters we all love, here is your chance.

< Prev : OOC- New member "Dr. Phillip Van Hohenheim" Next > : Jayne:- De'Clone'struction.....at least that's the plan.