Keto - "Lost In Translation"

Who: Keto, Ffionian Hotel Clerk
Where: Ffionian Hotel
When: Ffionia O'clock. Pm.
"No!" snapped Keto irritably, trying to reach across the desk and
snatch the registration book from the Ffionian's hands, "Keto! KE-TO!
One E!"
The Ffionian clerk muttered something under his breath, flicking
through the pages of the large registration book. He had, until these
visitors arrived, been rather content with his language skills. It
wasn't as if he'd been properly trained for this job.
"Duck-tear Kerry-brum?" he asked in his thick accent, tapping one
finger over a name on the document in front of him. He involuntarily
took half a step backwards as Keto's face went deathly pale and he
leaned forwards, eyes hard.
"You will not ever mention that name in my presence again," he hissed,
and for once the clerk's problems with accents did not stop him from
understanding. He nodded, eyes wide, and Keto leaned back again with
a sigh.
"Look, it's perfectly simple," he said through gritted teeth, "My name
is Doctor Keto. I am from the Blue Dwarf. Big spaceship, come down
from sky, me big alien, and so forth? I want a hotel room. This is a
hotel. You don't have to be a genius."
The clerk looked at him, somewhat baffled, and Keto snapped.
UNTIL WE CAN GO BACK TO THE BLUE DWARF!" he screamed, mere inches away
from the Ffionian clerk's face.
The clerk's trembling hand moved slightly towards the emergency buzzer
hidden under his desk, concerned the the crazy alien might actually
try to force-feed him the registration book. Fortunately for him, the
last two words of the alien's yell made sense.
"Ah, Blue Dwerf," he said hurriedly, and quickly handed a key to Keto,
who stared at it for a second, non-plussed.
"Well..." managed Keto after a moment, "Yes. Yes, good. See? If
you'd just given me that at the beginning we could have avoided all of
The clerk stared at him, blank-faced.
"Right," muttered Keto, and marched off up the corridor towards the
elevators, looking for the room number that was written on the key.
Behind him, the hotel clerk glared after the departing alien. They
truly must be a disturbing species, if all three of them shared a room
like that.
OOC: Tag Seymour or Rose! ;P

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