Split up

Jay piloted the Phoenix out of the hanger bay door and flew off into
outer space. He looked back at the rest of his team. Amongst them
were Efof, Johnny B Goode, Katrina Salter, Jesse Carter, Kevn, Joe
Craggins and Vanessa Chrysler.
<end snip>
Jessie Beta glanced around the customised Blue Midget, admiring it.
It handled surprisingly well, and was clearly lovingly cared for. She
sighed with envy - she itched to have a turn at the helm, but, from
the possessive look Jay had given it as they entered, it was almost
certain she would never have the chance.
Breaking off that that train of thought, she pulled out the new
weapon she had been issued with and began familiarising herself with
the controls. She needed to, as it was totally unlike anything she
had come across before, hell, it even had a "FeBuggure Experimental
Weapon" sticker on it. The name rang a vague bell somewhere, but when
it didn't immediately come to mind she dismissed it as unimportant
and put the gun away, deciding to work it out later when there was
less chance of blowing a hole in the hull.
She looked around at the rest of the team. Most of them she didn't
recognise, in fact the only people who she'd met before were Efof,
Jay and Vanessa, and none of them seemed interested in talking just
at the moment. A shame, as she could could do with some decent
conversation. Even her other self would be better than nothing, but
she'd stayed behind to keep searching for someone, anyone really, who
had the technical skills and the specialist knowledge to return them
to the happy state of being a single individual.
They'd flipped a coin, as the two of them had agreed that it was the
only fair way to decide.
Neither of them knew that the only person on the entire ship who
could help was not, in fact, on it. At that very moment he was in a
Starbug heading in the opposite direction, and none too pleased about it.
<tag - I haven't decided what the gun does yet. Ideas anyone?>
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