Join the club
Who: Jack & Jessie
Where: Landing bay three, Jack's office.
<snip> The airlock on the fighter suddenly swung open, and, to his surprise,
a heavily armed young woman stepped out. She looked around and,
seeing no one else, strode towards him. "You're the welcoming party,
I take it." she said, sourly. "Uh, yeah." he responded, then added,
by way of introduction, "Jack FeBuggure, Chief Defense Officer." Jack
gestured towards the weapons she wore. "I hope you know how to use
those." he said grimly. "We're going to need every gun we've got." <end snip>
"Nice fighter" he added admiringly. "so what brings you to our
lovely ship?" Jack continued, hoping to find something out about the newcomer.
"Um.." she began, glancing around warily. "There
are'nt any Space Corp officers aboard are there?
You see, the Wyvern," Jessie gestured towards her
ship, "is the most hunted-for vessel in the Galaxy."Jack
smiled and interrupted
"No worries, join the club." he said, "Anyway, follow me and we'll get
you signed up."
"fair enough" she said, following jack through the corridors, until
they got to a dusty office.
"Won't be two secs" Jack said, fishing out some forms, and a bottle of
tipp ex and a pen. He crossed off a few things, and changed the date
on the paper.
"Name?" "Jessie Carter." he started filling in
the form. "So, Jessie, what department were you
planning on joining? I'd guess from the
weapons you'd be wanting security, or Ships Defense..." Jack
observed, then thought of his new position on the ship.
"I'm actually Head of Ships defense, it would be great to have someone
with your obvious expertise in weapons on the job, whaddya say?"
Jessie smiled. "if it means I get to shoot
something I've got no objections whatsoever."
suddenly, the PA system crackled into life.
"AttentionÂ…. Kara McGellen and Jessie Carter report to hanger
bay 1." Jessie stared in shock. "Who was that -
how did he know I'm here?" she demanded, drawing
one of her assorted guns. "Oh, that's Callum
Kochanski, our head of engineering. Holly
probably told him." Jack replied. "You did speak
to Hol, didn't you?" She nodded mutely, relexing
slightly "You'd better report." he went on."Think
you know your way back? Bay one isn't far from
where you parked the Wyvern." "Sure. I never get
lost." She holstered the gun and headed out the door.
<tag anyone else involved>