Showing posts 196 - 210 of 418

Lamaire's Trouble

Oct 3, 2023, 4:28pm by Cindy

May 12, 1889 Early Afternoon Somewhere in the recesses of Paris, among the bubbling potions, test tubes, beakers and medical equipment of varied sorts in his lab Dr. Laurent Lamaire was ...

In the shadows Ancient eyes

Oct 1, 2023, 11:12pm by red_sword7

Date: May 12, 1889 Morning about 3 am. Walking down a dimly lit street it was quiet only a few dogs barking now and then could be heard. The air was slightly cold but that did not bothe ...


Sep 29, 2023, 10:07pm by Cindy

JP with Lasersexpanther, mdman and Cindy May 12, 1889 8:40 AM Elizabeth had Harold bring her a Danish, some fruit and tea, in her office, it would serve as breakfast as the way the m ...

Idle Hands

Sep 29, 2023, 8:55pm by Jaxx

Date: May 12, 1889 Earlier that day..... "Dr. Jackal I suspect your delivery will arrive about 10 AM. The Order is fairly punctual about such things. I would request you focus on that ...

Late Night Dilemma

Sep 27, 2023, 7:44pm by LucianNepreen

October 12, 1889 Early morning After returning from their meeting, Vor had been stuck in his thoughts. While most of his actions as “Lord Ritikiós” could be easily tucked away like ...

Breakfast Exits

Sep 23, 2023, 11:29pm by Cindy

JP with Lasersexpanther, mdman, Lorem, Jaxx and Cindy Cronk looked to the Lady Elizabeth, expecting to hear what she would like him to do. He looked for another opportunity to get back a ...

Breakfast News

Sep 23, 2023, 3:23pm by Cindy

JP with Lasersexpanther, mdman, Lorem, Jaxx and Cindy Cronk had a pile of crepes with fruit that would satisfy an elephant, if elephants were to eat crepes. Cronk wondered how something ...

Morning Meal Interrupted

Sep 20, 2023, 9:04pm by Cindy

Elizabeth, perhaps shouldn't have been surprised by the fact there was someone to see her, but she had thought this might occur later in the day. Harold escorted the Eldren and said, "She ...

Morning Meal After A Long Night

Sep 20, 2023, 9:02pm by Cindy

JP with Lorem, mdman, Jaxx, Lasersexpanther and Cindy Breakfast May 12, 1889 7:30 AM Elizabeth had read Sung's report while trying to devise a plan for the backup team. That was pr ...

Securing the parameter

Sep 18, 2023, 12:09am by LaserSexPanther

After the group of first responders dispersed, leaving the pretty gnome and masked bombshell alone, Lorem experienced a raised level of uncomfortableness. She knew it was coming and braced h ...

Early Morning Tea

Sep 17, 2023, 10:13pm by Cindy

JP with Redsword, Jaxx and Cindy As Elizabeth was walking towards the house she noticed the servants were awake, and had witnessed at least some of the events of the evening. Harold h ...

Teen Angst

Sep 14, 2023, 7:56pm by Jaxx

From the window, Lily could see the shadows moving about and then coming to the light. Her anxiety was relieved to see it was Mr. Sung, Lady Elizabeth, Lorem, Ms. Lagrave and Harold gatheri ...

A Night Visitor - part 2

Sep 13, 2023, 1:07am by Cindy

JP with Redsword, Lorem, Jaxx, Lasersexpanther and Cindy May 12 2:30 AM Lily was tired and went to sleep by 9:30 pm. True she could stay up and enjoy her freedom of staying up late a ...

A Night Visitor

Sep 13, 2023, 1:06am by Cindy

JP with Redsword, Lorem, Jaxx, Lasersexpanther and Cindy May 12 2:30 AM Sung had found a late-night carriage as he walked back to the house. Sung thought it best to give a report in p ...

A Brief Report

Sep 13, 2023, 12:55am by Cindy

Jp with Lasersexpanther and Cindy After Cronk left and Elizabeth had enough time to get a cup of tea, she had Harold get a servant to fetch Sasha. Elizabeth had been woken by Harold, ...

Showing posts 196 - 210 of 418