Showing posts 106 - 120 of 523

OOC - Children of the Atlas

Aug 11, 2020, 6:26pm by Winteroak

Children of the Atlas is very loosely based on the popular game No Man's Sky. And when I say loosely I mean loosely. It borrows very littl ...

OOC - Looking for Wild West

Aug 11, 2020, 10:06am by Silithsel

Are any of the wild west games in need of a new player? I have a mild-mannered cowboy turned bounty hunter, a female prostitute turned outlaw who is prone to bad decisions, and an older pro ...

OOC - My new game!

Aug 10, 2020, 11:23am by Amazinger

Hey everyone! First post here for the community, we go. So, my new game "One Punch Man: Monster Land", as you probably figured out by now, is a game based heavily on the hit ani ...

Largehobbits Top Games Round Up

Aug 5, 2020, 7:18pm by Largehobbit To qualify a game must have had at least 10 posts and the last post must have been after July 1st 2020. It also needs to have at leas ...

OOC - Looking for group to restart "Avengers: Exodus" game

Jul 21, 2020, 9:27am by Paladin_IPG

I super super loved the group and the story we were working on but everyone got super busy and we didnt move forward with it. So Id love to restart the game. Hopefully some of the old player ...

OOC - Looking for....

Jul 15, 2020, 6:37am by LaserSexPanther

I'm looking for a game that's more slice of life, modern setting, something that I can just play an normal everyday person in. Well it doesn't have to be 'normal' like boring nothing happeni ...

OOC - Lost Mine of Phandelver

Jul 10, 2020, 4:37pm by Largehobbit So D&D and OW had a chequered past. Occasionally we have a D&D game advertised on the fo ...

OOC - Hello, it's me

Jul 10, 2020, 4:34pm by VickyLM

Hi, I have just joined this site in the hopes of getting back into roleplay. I am mainly interested in Modern, Romance and Fantasy but I can play a game in any category if the storyline take ...

OOC - Congratulations to ToS Winners!

Jul 5, 2020, 12:36pm by Nim

We had two games from Ongoing Worlds win recognition in the Tournament of Simulations this year (for posts written last year)! Those were Brownc ...

OOC - This Late Hour

Jul 4, 2020, 6:39pm by D2wintr

Hey all ... So I've talked myself into trying to do a fantasy setting game again that I've titled "This Late Hour" This is going to be a more traditional troupe base story with chara ...

OOC - Realising New Game

Jun 30, 2020, 10:45pm by Enderslayer

I just realised a new game that I been actually working on for the last three months. It's Brimstone and Blood, a sci fi supernatural fantasy game. It's new open and ready for new players. ...

Reporting A Spambot

Jun 19, 2020, 3:05am by Avenuewriter

Recently discovered this player attempting to make a character in 2120, and it is clearly a spambot. There is no "report user" function o ...

OOC - New Jumanji Game Available

Jun 16, 2020, 10:38pm by Jaxx

Hey guys I made an online Jumanji Game. The game of Jumanji has managed to get into the inter ...

OOC - discord

May 22, 2020, 10:32pm by jl4l For anyone who wants to join ...

OOC - Yes, I'm Posting Again

May 19, 2020, 10:37pm by White_Caribou

I want to issue a statement here that actually holds some weight unlike my previous post. I falsely stated I was returning to the platform but my timing was far off. As you can see, I've ...

Showing posts 106 - 120 of 523