OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


OngoingWorlds has won the 2014 Simming Prize!

simming prize certificate 2014

I received an email this morning from Chas Hammer with this message:

On behalf of the Simming Prize Trustees, it is with great pleasure that I award Ongoing Worlds the Prize for Simming and Online Role Playing in Memory of Seth Cotis aka the Simming Prize.  Obviously, last year we awarded you personally for your work at Ongoing Worlds, but this year we wanted to recognize Ongoing Worlds as a collective effort, and honor all the games and contributors who have helped build Ongoing Worlds into the amazing hub of online role-playing.

This was quite a surprise! Like Chas says above, last year the award was given to me personally – although I did say it was for everyone in this article, but this time it really IS for everyone in the OngoingWorlds community, so well done you!

And I certainly agree. This community is a great one, and the website has increased so much in popularity over the last few years. Many people put a lot of effort into their posts, and I’m talking about you. So give yourself a pat on the back 🙂 This certificate is for you!

In fact, print it out and frame it, so you can look at it all the time and remember how ace you are. Here it is:

simming prize certificate 2014

I want to make a special mention to all the SquidGuard, who help keep the trolls at bay, and maintain law and order on OngoingWorlds!

Also I want to thank those who have donated to our monthly server costs. We haven’t yet managed to raise enough for the year, so please donate if you’re enjoying OngoingWorlds! It definitely helps.

Oh yeah, the year in the title is intentionally last year, before you ask! As the award is given at the end of the year. Hilariously though it’s taken more than 6 months for this to be announced (nominations were asked for back in December), and if you look at the date on the certificate it’s also taken 2 months for someone to email it to me!


Still time to enter your game for the Simulation Cup!

Simulation Cup

2014 Simulation Cup

About a week and a half ago, we announced the 2014 Simulation Cup (historically known as the Tournament of Simulations).  Thus far we’ve received nominations for 18 outstanding games.  And what a group it is!  Everyone who entered a sim into the competition should have already received a confirmation email.  If you have NOT received your confirmation email, please forward your entry form to me at star [dot] idf [at] gmail [dot] com.  Just want to make sure we don’t miss anyone.

I also want to let everyone know that we’ve extended the deadline to submit your game(s) to 24 hours after the publishing of this post.  So there’s still time if you missed the last window… Read More


Keep the festive spirit going by nominating your game & favorite roleplayer for an award


There’s currently two awards you can nominate for right now, and both are certainly worth winning! Annoyingly, they both have similar names so I’ll try to clear things up. Read More


Simming Prize Nominations Now Open


The Simming Prize Image by Jack Carter

It’s that time of year again! Time for us simmers and roleplayers to put down our D-20 dice or autosave our posts on OW and nominate for the biggest award in simming, The 2014 Simming Prize! (The Simmy’s if you prefer)

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This award isn’t really for me, it’s for everyone at OngoingWorlds & who’s contributed to the blog

So yeah. I’ve been awarded a simming prize (see the annoucement here which was sent to me by “the committee” to publish on the blog).

Onion with simming prize certificate Read More


And the winner of the 2013 Simming Prize is…

DavidA few months ago we posted about the 2013 Simming Prize (Yes 2013 because it’s for LAST year apparently!). I was emailed today with this press release to post immediately. So here’s the results, with a message from the “committee”…

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2013 Simming Prize is now open for nominations

The Simming Prize Image by Jack Carter

The Simming Prize
Image by Jack Carter

EDIT – The winner for this award has been announced here

Please allow me to confirm the rumor…  The 2013 Simming Prize is officially open for nominations!  I recently had the opportunity to sit down with FSF Ignatius, the Prize’s administrator, and he filled me in on the details.  All simmers and online role players are permitted to submit their favorites from among the community through June 27, 2014 at the following link:

The winners will be announced at the end of July.

What is the Simming Prize?

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Simming Prize Winners 2011

Simming prizeOngoing Worlds is proud to announce the newest winners of the Simming Prize (officially the Ongoing Worlds Prize for Simming and Online Role Playing in Memory of Seth Cotis). Winning either for their efforts in 2011 or in recognition of their career in total, our five newest laureates join a long line of proud winners who have shaped our gaming community for the better.

  • Elena Vasilescu of Before the Mast RPG: For her creative use of social media to support a small, thriving role-playing game set during the Golden Age of Piracy.
  • Independence Fleet: For its outstanding efforts to facilitate community; internally fielding a wiki, newsletter, and group chats; and externally hosting the SciWorld Online Convention, organizing Fall Fest, and pulling the Super Space Command 3000 April fools day joke.
  • Mike Bremer of Ninth Fleet: For his exemplary leadership within the simming community. Having founded or nurtured clubs as diverse as Tango Fleet, Bravo Fleet, and now Ninth Fleet, Mike stands as one of the most successful and influential figures in the history of simming.
  • Otherspace: For its innovative mix of MUSH and role-playing to create a dynamic, engrossing gaming environment.
  • UFOP: Starbase 118: For its exemplary community, which for over 15 years has consistently offered detailed, high quality sims, and a welcoming, friendly gaming environment.

Congratulations to the newest Simming Prize laureates!


Nominate the best for a Simming Prize!

Simming prizeKnow a game or an individual that stands out above the rest? A true gem that represents the best in online role-playing over the past year? Nominate them for a Simming Prize.

Each year, up to five Simming Prizes are awarded to honor the best in our gaming community. Making a nomination is simple, just fill out the info boxes below and submit by Saturday the 18th. Read More