OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


2024 Simming Prize Winners

It’s time to announce the 2024 Simming Prize winners–the cream of the crop from the nominations submitted by you, the community over the last year. They represent the very best of the simming and online role playing world today and provide each of us with a unique model of excellence, dedication, or innovation to follow. While our community is ever evolving, our historical core remains. Well done, Simming Prize Laureates!

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SciWorld 21 is coming!


So it is the time of year when you see information about another SciWorld; our twenty-first to be exact. As noted previously on Discord, we are happy to have co-hosts this year that hopefully will be able to add their own flair to SciWorld and make this year even more enjoyable than usual for you all. This year SciWorld will be hosted by RPG Writing and Star Army, with Amanda Rose and Wes, respectively, leading the charge as this year’s co-chairs.

When will this year’s event be?
June 24th 2023 at 10 AM Eastern/7 AM Pacific/2 PM UTC ( for help converting time )

What will be happening this year?
There will be a mix of voice presentations, text panels, and hopefully trivia this year. If you are interested in hosting a panel, please reach out to one of the co-chairs or post interest in #panel-signups in Discord.

Where will this year’s SciWorld be?
As with the last couple of events, in the interest of making things simple, all SciWorld’s will be hosted on the unified Discord. Here is an invite link:

How can I participate/help out?
We are always looking for people to host panels, advertise, spread the word, and be good community members by following the rules and contributing ideas and conversations before, after, and during SciWorld.

As always, if you have questions or need more information, feel free to join the Discord server at the link listed above, and someone from this year’s host organizations or SimmingHub will gladly help you. Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you at SciWorld 21 on June 24th.



2020 Squiddie Award Winners

Squiddie award for superior online roleplaying

After announcing this year’s award and receiving nominees, it’s time reveal the winners for the long overdue 2020 awards:

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Babel Conference Today!

Good morning and salutations everyone,

Just a quick note from your resident SimmingHub Event Coordinator here. Babel is occurring today ran by SWA, RPG Writing and Theta Fleet. As with all of the cons; if you have the time to attend it’s totally a good thing to do and allows you to have some fun, meet new people and learn more about your fellow role players. Community is what makes this all work even now as the Internet and other technologies have further advanced we still stick to our love for role playing… so come join some of your fellow hobbyist and have a few hours of fun. here is the link to the website where are you can find the discord link and additional information including its schedule.
