OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


8 articles that’ll improve your writing by Bang2Write


As a roleplayer it can sometimes be easy to forget you’re a writer. But… you spend a lot of time writing about characters and scenareos, so… you’re a writer! Here’s some links to articles from a great website called Bang2Write: Read More


Top 10 overused plot devices that you definitely SHOULD use in your game


This week I found a great article of 10 overused plot devices (read it here), the author says NOT to use these in fiction, but I think we definitely SHOULD use them in roleplaying games! Read More


A character does not breathe until that first post

many individual roleplay characters

A few weeks ago I posted an article about creating believable characters, and using the 2:1 rule for flaws vs awesome. Read More


Tib’s Corner – Roleplaying Tips: Creating Posts and Good Post Ideas

TIb's SniperHey guys! Tib here, thought I’d share a couple of tips and ideas that I use when I’m writing a post or trying to come up with a good Idea. So let’s begin! Shall we? Okay so one of the biggest things I think is a problem writing posts is getting bored and staying interested in the post. This is hard to beat sometimes, you just have that thought after awhile “UGH! THIS POST IS TAKING FOREVER! THANKS A LOT ALEX!” [No hard feelings buddy :)] and you just lose interest. I agree, it does get boring after a while. But there are ways to make it better! Read More


So you’ve traveled back in time – Now what?

It’s happened, somehow your roleplay characters have found themselves back in time. They’re being chased by Medieval Knights, or being attacked by cavemen, or are dodging stomping Dinosaur feet. But before they got here, I hope you thought about the consequences of a time travel plot.

I’l get to paradoxes in a while, but first. How will your characters get back? If they were deposited in this time by some sort of accident, what hope do they have of returning? Did the device that brought them here travel with them? Read More


The Mighty, and classy, Steampunk Genre

Steampunk landscape
Steampunk. Perhaps one of the most beloved genres of science-fiction in the modern age, Steampunk is classed as a subgenre of Cyberpunk but the roots of Steampunk do stretch back as far back to 1844 with The Aerial Burglar by Percival Leigh. Since then many great minds have influenced the Steampunk genre, most notably the great H.G. Wells and the fantastic Jules Verne. Read More


Compliment your writers


If you’ve created a game on OngoingWorlds you’ve gone through the difficult task of getting people to join your game. Once your game is active, you have to keep it that way. Remember that writing isn’t easy, and you need to keep everyone’s spirits high.  Read More


Does Everybody Need A Character?

Army peeps

It’s not about the diversity. It’s because JIM DOESN’T KNOW WHEN TO STOP CREATING CHARACTERS!

The title may seem misleading, like “does every member need a character?” Well… yes they do, if not what’s the point of being in the game? But this is about something I’ve actually done before and I’m still a culprit for sometimes in game development. What I’m talking about is creating a character for everyone [not members] that seems to get involved in the story. Like creating one for a guy that will only be used once in a while or once, period. Doing this can lead to a giant list of characters you created that end up either forgotten or just deleted. Read More


How to create believable characters – use the 2:1 rule for flaws vs awesome

Doctor who saying I'm brilliant

I found an article that gave some simple advice on creating characters recently (you can see the article here). Most of the points are to prevent you from creating Marty Stu or Gary Stu characters. One of the great points was that you should use a 2:1 rule: Read More


How much do you care about grammar in you’re posts?

Grammar nazi

We’re all writers right? We write posts, we roleplay, we read each other’s posts. How much do you care that other people use correct spelling & grammar? How important is it to you? Read More