A Drunken Lead

After getting his meal and booze, Talerian thanked the waitress and smelled the food to make sure it was edible as B.O.B. questioned his choice in food as the loud music echoed in the bar.

After a few nibbles Talerian was comfortable enough to eat the food he was served. The drink was a bit strong so he just sipped it as he ate. Oddly despite the appearance of the food it tasted a lot like a sea food dish he had back home. B.O.B. then told Talerian about the information he managed to collect on the ship called "The Stellar Flare". Then the odd house band began playing an unusual song that the crowd seemed to enjoy.

Song played by the band at the bar

As the music filled the air along with the smoke from the hookas.


B.O.B. then looked around and saw someone familiar and said, "Master see that lizard man over there?" Talerian glanced over to see the lizard man and replied, "What about him?" B.O.B. answered, "I believe he matches a former crew member of "The Stellar Flare" ship. If I am correct his name is Kaymon and he is an engineer." Talerian pondered for a bit then said, "Lets wait till he has a few drinks in him first. He will be more open to chatty then."

Next Song by house Band


B.O.B. agreed and they waited a few more songs and seven alcoholic drinks till they got up and circled around and then Talerian pretended to be a bit tipsy as he sat near Kaymon the lizard man. At this point Kaymon was in a good mood and was all to happy when Talerian offered him free drinks. They sang along with the band and drank a few more drinks. Of course B.O.B. was the one ordering the drinks and making sure Talerian's drinks were watered down. Then their conversation moved to dating crazy females. Talerian was surprised to find out that Kaymon had a girlfriend in just about every space station and was trying to lay low since some of them were trying to get money out of him for some kids that may or may not be his. Kaymon didn't want to hang around long enough to find out if the kids really were his or not so he was keeping a low profile till his next job.

Next song from house band

Then Talerian changed the subject to working with difficult crews and mentioned having to work with some very eccentric females. Kaymon laughed as he understood that situation all to well. He warned Talerian to be careful of sleeping with crew mates because if it didn't work out they would have to deal with an uncomfortable environment till the job was over. Talerian chuckled as he kind of figured that option out already. Kaymon went on about getting chased around the ship for sleeping with more than one female on the ship till he could escape on the next space station. Then he went on about being hunted by the husbands and boyfriends of the women he was having an affair with. It was clear that Kaymon had a knack for getting into trouble with his love life.

Then Kaymon sighed as he thought of his last troublesome job. As it turned out it was a ship called "The Stellar Flare". Talerian listened carefully as he he sipped his watered down drink. Kaymon was very drunk at this point and wanted to clear his thoughts as he mentioned the transport of people in cryo for some special mission to colonize a planet. However he accidently learned that the mission was indeed a lie and the people were in fact experimental subjects for a secret mission run by a Seruan special agent of the Securitate. They were collecting gifted people and altering them to make them enhanced for a secret purpose.

Next song from House Band

Talerian's heart sank when he connected the dots to this mystery. His sister Aello was a gifted Hawkgirl when it came to intelligence and despite being younger, she was smarter than Talerian. He adored his little sister and it pained him to know she was caught in a government conspiracy. He now had even more reason to hate the Empire now despite being trained to serve them. The Empire had a lot of nerve recruiting him and then killing his parents and kidnapping his little sister for some insane experiment. Now he was contemplating putting hole in Erishum's head with his sniper rifle after he rescued his sister. Then after another drink Kaymon bragged about stealing a memory stick of the ships records. Talerian then distracted Kaymon as he had B.O.B. take the memory stick and copy it.

Once Talerian had achieved his goal he watched as Kaymon got drunk and passed out on the table. He listened to the song about violence as he had a lot of pent up hate for the Empire. It wasn't long before Talerian and B.O.B. left the drunk Kaymon passed out at his table. The walk back to the ship was a quiet one as Talerian was deep in thought. B.O.B. hovered quietly next to Talerian as they took a scenic route to the ship. Sadly this attracted some shady types who were in the habit of shaking down any drunkards leaving the bars. It was an easy way to make some credits on easy targets.

However the thieves misunderstood who their target was as they came out of the shadows with an evil grin on their faces while surrounding the Hawkman and his robot. They saw he had a lot of drinks and assumed he would be easy pickings, but failed to realize all those drinks were watered down by the robot named B.O.B.. So as they tried to shake Talerian down and approached him with their pipes, Talerian quickly turned the situation around as he quickly overpowered each thief and broke several bones on them before tossing them into the next thief trying to attack them. In a minute all five thieves were moaning in pain from their broken arms, legs and ribs. Talerian felt a little better after blowing off some steam and then made his way back to the Big Mamma ship with B.O.B.. Once on the ship he washed up and sat on his bunk while looking at a picture of his sister Aello.


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