The Lone Gunman

It was a hot day on the dessert of Krillin and a merchant group were transporting their goods across the dessert using wagons and work beasts. The guards were on high alert since the dessert was full of dangers such as beasts, sand storms as well as the blazing heat. The merchants and guards were sweating as if they were in a sauna. Suddenly some Sand Rays burst out of the ground and attacked the caravan.,h_700,q_80,strp/sand_manta_by_sineadmaddox_daoujom-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvOGY0ZDUxMTktMjU1Ni00ZGJmLTgxN2YtZGZlNDMzNGZkMTQ0XC9kYW91am9tLTQ4NTg5ZjM3LTFhNjAtNDM1Ny1hNjUyLTk4YTA3YTk4MWY3MS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.ZqU7UViSu9EJvrQm_85LHQFflEgwqu3nkbeJiPHeThY

The guards began shooting and swinging their axes at the attacking Sand Rays as they bit chunks off the poor guards and merchants. The fight continued as a swarm of Sand Rays relentlessly attacked them. Many of the guards took a lot of damage as they viciously fended off the blood thirsty attackers. Sadly since they were in the desert the only ones who could hear their screams were the fellow people in the caravan and the attacking beasts. Things were looking bad for the caravan members as they were loosing guards very quickly. Some of the younger merchant members were now forced to fight to survive. The head merchant continued to yell out orders to his crew so they could overcome the odds.

Through his leadership they eventually managed to defeat all the Sand Rays and found themselves exhausted as they sat on the hot sand to recover from their battle. Then after a moment the head merchant began ordering his whole crew to recover the guards equipment and strip them. The crew were not to happy but they had already taken a loss and could not afford to loose any more gear. Then suddenly one of the guards tried to say something when his head exploded. Then the sound of thunder rumbled in the sky. This caused some confusion among the caravan crew till two wounded guard's heads exploded next to each other. Then as panic filled the head merchant's heart he was unable do anything as he watched all his crew member's heads explode before him. Then he panicked and tried to run but his left knee exploded and he fell to the sand screaming in pain.

As the older merchant writhed in pain on the sand he saw a large bird in the sky above him and circle around before landing nearby. Then as he looked while shaking in pain and fear he saw a winged man before him with a rifle pointed at his forehead. The winged man then showed the merchant a picture of a girl and asked, "Where is this girl?" The merchant saw a picture of a winged girl and began babbling for mercy. He confessed that he sold the girl for a fortune to another slave dealer. He gave up all his information in hopes of mercy and relief from his painful blown off leg. Then the winged man stripped the merchant and searched through his pockets and pouches. He found some cluse he was looking for and a lot of credits. The winged man then left the man crying in pain as he made his way to the merchants caravan. He then looked in the wagons and saw many slaves in chains looking in bad shape. He freed them and checked all of them for the girl he was looking for. Then he gave the food and water to the slaves and told them to collects all the clothes and weapons from the dead and head to a small village to start over. They also found a lot of credits in a lock box to help the slaves begin a new life. The slaves wanted to thank the winged man but he seemed upset he was unable to find who he was looking for. One female slave tried to thank the winged man and ask for his story but he told her he was no one important.

The winged man then flew off from the caravan and eventually arrived at his space ship. He took off his helmet and washed his face before he sat in his pilot chair and looked at the picture of the girl. The winged man was Talerian Maxx aka "Dead Eye". Maxx is a Hawkman sniper from the The Sky City in Sirpurla. The Hawkmen are "The Monsters of Sirpurla" and Maxx was a rather proficient sniper and warrior. However during a war while he was in battle he made a name for himself sniping many of the officers of the enemy. However when he came home he found his family killed and his little sister, (Aello Maxx), kidnapped. He left his home, Sky City, to find his sister and discovered she was sold as a slave in the black market. Now he on a mission to get her back and freelances as a mercenary to pay his bills.

After running his new data into the computer he found the coordinates to his next destination and programmed his route. Then he drank some water before he blasted off to his next target.


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