Characters in this post

View character profile for: Merin Viihan

View character profile for: Tiye

View character profile for: Nero

View character profile for: Lagoras Sourd
Standard Procedure
She could hardly believe what she was hearing, what did the Cretan care about saving people. He'd spent his entire life ripping people off or worse gunning them down. The galaxy going to dirt usually worked in his favour. "What are you talking about?" she asked.
"He's more powerful than he looks, the result of centuries of genetic research. That's why he was locked away. Erishum is scared of him," the lizard said.
Nero didn't get any of this. "I am not what you say I am!" he exclaimed. He turned to Merin and Tiye, almost as if he was begging: "I'm telling you the truth, I've never met this Cretan. I was detained for theft. Just please can you two get me out of here, away from this freak."
Lagoras shook his head. "There's no need to be cruel now Nero," the Cretan wheezed.
Merin didn't know where to look, she felt as if she had two pathetic lifeforms at either side of her. She was with Lagoras that this Nero had his memory altered somehow, there was no way they'd lock up a thief to that extent. Additionally, the evidence of the injections were right there. But at the same time she didn't think this man was some genetically modified superweapon. He seemed too ordinary.
"Right. Even if this man is the weapon you say he is, how are you going to reverse the effects of the memory alterations?"
"That's easy, through a procedure." The lizard summoned one of his men, then began to bark at him in the Cretan tongue. The man produced a piece of robotic medical equipment, with various arms for different specialities, it looked painful.
"You're not putting me in that thing," Nero cried.
"That machine looks like it would damage his brain rather than restore it," Merin said. "If we're doing this then I want it done sensibly."
"You're not in charge here," Lagoras snapped.
Merin nodded. "I'm aware, but if you want your hope for the galaxy you'll need to things right. This man has had enough for today. Go slow on him, we can make a plan of action after some rest."
Lagoras was not pleased, he wanted to unleash Nero's full potential. But Merin was right. "You'll get your way this once Merin, but not again."
Lagros began to instruct the other Cretans to put together a room for the man, when Merin interrupted. "We already have space on the Pernach, Nero can stay there."
"Fine!" Lagoras whined. "But after his rest we must act quickly, we must return Nero to his true potential. Is that understood?"
"Loud and clear," Merin indicated to Nero and Tiye. The three of them quickly returned to Pernach through the docking tunnel. Now they'd wait until morning.
To Be Continued...