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View character profile for: Talerian Maxx aka Dead Eye

View character profile for: BOB
A Bad Lead
Posted byPosted: Sep 8, 2024, 7:21pm
Planet Kisurra:
Talerian and B.O.B. flew to the next source of information on finding Aello Maxx, Talerian's little sister. It was a long but quiet ride threw space as Talerian monitored the ship's computer and B.O.B. monitored the ship's integrity. After some time passed they arrived at Kisurra and docked in the landing bay. Talerian quickly armed himself since there was a lot of shady types that would rob or kill him for little reason. Since he needed information he made his way to the bar for information.
As he sat at the bar he asked the bartender for a broker and after a few drinks a shady information broker representative arrived to have a chat with Talerian. Talerian told the broker he was looking for a young hawkgirl and showed the picture to him. Then he mention the name of the person he was looking for and the representative contacted their boss on the coms. After a few words the representative apologized to Talerian and said the man he was seeking was dead and they knew nothing of the girl. Talerian was upset and left the bar while controlling his temper. He met B.O.B. outside of the bar and tried to figure out his next move. B.O.B. tried talking to the nearby Kiosk in hopes of new useful information.