Routine Morning

Friday - 5:00 AM

The alarm beeped loudly, waking up Klaire Roth from the comfort of her dream world. Her dog ears twitched each time the beep sounded, agitating her so early in the morning. Rolling over, she reached out her hand and felt around until her fingers met the glass face of her phone. Wrapping them around it, she pulled it toward her and shoved the covers off while clicking the red button image to silence the alarm of her cell phone.

Setting the phone back on the bedside table, she slid her legs off the bed and let her feet touch the cold hardwood flooring of her house. Toes tapping for a moment, she stood and made her way over to the dresser across from her bed. She had an hour before having to wake up her teenage children, so she grabbed a simple black bra and panties before snatching her uniform from her closet and made her way down the hallway to their shared bathroom.

The house itself was tall, two stories high, but thin. Her twins, Lotus and Leon, had their rooms upstairs since she was always the first person to get up in the morning. Though, she could already hear the faint sound of music from her son’s room as she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. Locking it, she set everything down on the counter and hopped into the shower.

It was quick and easy, even washing her brown locks.

Once done, she got out and dried off before going through her morning routine - brushing her hair, her teeth, cleaning out her ears, and pulling on her clothes. Getting the last button on her police uniform done, she finally left the room to get on a pair of socks and her boots. With a look in the mirror, she pulled on a necklace that she hid under her shirt. It made her dog ears disappear to the naked eye and gave her the image of having regular human ears. Even her dog tail seemed to magically disappear.

Her children had the same items. It was needed in order to blend in with society here.

Letting out a sigh, she went upstairs and knocked on her daughter’s door before opening it. “Lotus, time to get up!” She called, flipping on the light switch.

Her daughter, lying on her back, groaned and rolled over. “Five more minutes…” She mumbled.

“It’s almost six, so no.” Klaire said, leaving the light on as she stepped away from the room and went to Leon’s room. She had to bang her fist on the door to make sure he could hear her over the music, which he could easily with his heightened senses. The door, sadly, was locked, so she had to keep banging on it until he finally walked over and pulled it open.

“What?” He asked in a bored tone.

“Time to get ready for school,” She instructed.

“Yeah, yeah,” He grunted and turned away, tail swaying with his movements. “I’ll be down soon…”

Watching her son go to his dresser, it was shocking Klaire how much her children had grown up over the years. They were sixteen now and Leon already had the appearance of a man. His muscles were toned from workouts and training for becoming part of the Defenders. As of right now he was still just a civilian, but once he was eighteen he’d go through the tests.

He’d have to prove to their leader that he was capable of helping defend the town from the supernatural beings that plagued them.

Turning away, she headed downstairs and started a pot of coffee before she began cooking - bacon, scrambled eggs, and some toast. It was a routine she found comforting, something to keep her busy and feed her kids all at the same time.

Lotus was the first to arrive, sitting at a plate of food already set out for her. “Thanks, mama,” She said in her sweet voice, golden eyes glancing over the meal. Grabbing a fork, she began to eat.

At only sixteen, Lotus was already elegant for such a short young lady. She was curvy in all the right places with full breasts and round hips, always attracting the attention of the local teenage boys. There had been more than one occasion where Leon had gotten into fights to make sure those boys kept their hands to themselves. As much as she praised her son's protective brotherly nature, she also had to scold him for the fights.

Speaking of Leon, his music had stopped and she could hear him stomping his way down the stairs. Stepping into the kitchen, he sat at the table and looked at his plate of food. “Thanks,” He muttered and began to eat.

It was the most Klaire would get out of him this early in the day. At least he wasn’t being rude or rebellious at the moment, something the single mother had grown accustomed to with him.

After making sure everything was off, Klaire took a seat with her children and tried to offer a smile to them. “It’s Friday,” She started. “Any tests today?”

“Algebra and a chemistry test for me.” Lotus replied first before sipping her glass of orange juice she’d gotten. “I’ve studied all week, so I’m sure I’ll pass them.” She was the smartest girl in her classes so far, a reminder of how well the girl was doing. The fact she’d been flirting with boys had worried Klaire, but Lotus wasn’t stupid. She was young, but smart and very capable of taking care of herself.

Leon, however, seemed hesitant to answer. His grades always seemed to be on the borderline between passing and failing. “Algebra…” He said after a few more bites, uncomfortable.

“Think you’ll pass it?” Klaire asked with hope in her tone.

Leon didn’t answer, so his sister responded for him. “He never studies,” She chimed with a slight smirk. “If he passes, it’ll be a miracle.”

“Yeah, well, at least I train for our future,” He retorted, glaring at his twin sister. “I’m gonna be part of the Defenders, unlike you.”

A frown formed on Lotus’ face. “I do train, but I don’t let it take over my entire life.” She snipped back at him.

“Says the girl too busy flirting with her boyfriend most days to even notice the dangers around us.” He stabbed his fork into the plate, making a loud screeching sound.

“Oh, please! Everyone is starting to think you’re asexual, yo-”

“Enough!” Klaire interrupted. “Stop arguing and finish your meals.”

Both of her children went silent, knowing that defying Klaire meant angering her. Breakfast was finished in silence and Lotus took care of the dishes while her brother and mother finished getting ready. With Leon it was mostly him just packing his books and a hidden weapon he always carried in case things went south at school. The supernatural creatures could be sneaky at times, after all.

Klaire went to the living room, stopping near the front door where she pulled on her gun belts and holsters. Pulling on her police jacket and hat, she grabbed her keys out off the little hooks by the front door. Hooking them onto a belt loop, she turned toward the stairwell. “Time to go!” She called out.

The kids were soon at the door and they made it outside.

With their goodbyes, Lotus and Leon started walking toward the school of this small town. Klaire got into her police car and started the engine, waving at her children before pulling out of the driveway. Switching the gears, she made her way down the road and to the police station.

She had no clue, but the day was going to be long.

Next > : Breakfast