Crime Scene 3 Templar Findings (2)

JP with Lumina and Corinth

Corinth looked at the book Lumina held out to him. "Looks like a book full of information I know nothing about." She pulled it away from him and flipped the pages open to a section that had scribbled writing on it. Dropping his cigarette and snuffing it out under his boot, he looked the coded words over.

"The fool wrote all this in code. Not hard to decipher. The daily paper used to have a puzzle section near the comics. My old man and I used to speed run the Cryptoquotes."

Walking back inside, Corinth sat at the desk, opened the drawer and scoured for a pencil. Finding one, he began looking over the words, making markings above letters, crossing out others, and putting new letters above old. "The key is to go for the obvious ones first. The letters together, space on each side, most likely 'the,' a stand alone letter...either an 'I' or an 'A.' Most often used letter, probably an 'S'. But in this case, this is a standard +3 cipher. Each letter has been moved three places to the right. So this word here, "Kdoolzhoo?" Take each letter and go back three letters and you get...Halliwell. Now you can either take those letters and replaces all known letters or you just go down the line moving each letter back."

His hand and mind went to work, replacing letters as fast as he could. Once finished, he looked it over, read it, and gave it to Lumina. "Looks like a pilot to a tv show. What do you get out of it?"

The Halliwell sisters are the Charmed Ones
They have the power of three
They use their magic to fight evil
And keep their family tree

But what if they discovered a secret world
Where myths and legends are real
Where ancient mysteries and modern conspiracies
Collide in a shadowy deal

Would they join the Illuminati, the cunning and the bold
And use their magic for power and gold
Or would they join the Templars, the righteous and the brave
And use their magic to protect and save

Or would they join the Dragon, the chaotic and the wise
And use their magic to create surprise
Or would they forge their own path, the independent and the free
And use their magic to shape their destiny

The choice is theirs to make
The secret world awaits
The Halliwell sisters are the Charmed Ones
And they have the power of fate

"I mean, sisters of Fate? That's a bold claim. Still," he sighed, "this is something new." he sat there thinking for a moment before speaking again, "You're a Warlock, you like books and stuff right? Think the library here might have something? Shit, probably not, but it wouldn't hurt to check. Maybe I can find something on these sisters, address at least. Think there's a phonebook around here?" He looked over at her. "Yeah, doubt it. Haven't seen one of those in years. Still, I can make some calls and see what I can find. Meet you at the car in an hour to compare notes?"

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