University Of San Francisco- Templar's Turn

JP with Lumina and Corinth

Corinth opened the car door and stood watching Lumina as she spilled to him her idea, taking a sip of his soda that he grabbed before they left the dining room. He thought about it for a moment and nodded, "sounds like a plan. Good work." After getting situated, he cranked the car up and drove off. The thought of talking to the dead intrigued him about as much as it made him a bit uncomfortable.

Animating the dead was some wild use of magic and he wondered how powerful that type of magic could go. Instead of just answering questions, could she control them in more ways? Was his partner a budding necromancer? Could be interesting...could be dangerous...for both of them. Still, would be fascinating to watch.

The drive was uneventful except for the San Francisco traffic that seemed to hinder them at every turn. It would be nice to blame it on some type of chaos magic, but it was really nothing more than the mundanes being chaotic to themselves. Sometimes, he wished he had a little more magic training to help with situations like this, but he knew he would abuse it every chance he got. Perhaps it was best he was only good with guns.

Pulling into the parking lot of the University of San Francisco, Corinth parked the car and looked around. He never went to college and t wouldn't have mattered if he did. the Secret World had taught him more than any self-righteous, self-absorbed professor could have. Still, there was the whole college life that he missed out on, but let's be honest, who wouldn't take the chance of travelling the world and turning monsters inside out using impossible means?

"Alright," he said opening the car door and stepping out, "we need to find the dorms and have a look around. Who knows who's already been here and grabbed what. I mean," he pulled out a cigarette and lit it with a snap of his fingers, "it's not like there's gonna be a notebook with everything we need to know in it. Let's be thorough." Pulling out his bottle of pills, he popped one into his mouth and chased it with the rest of his soda. Stretching his back, he shut the car door and tossed the can into the nearest trash can.

The campus was fairly large and was wonderfully taken care of. The buildings were large, spacious, and the grounds looked like what a university should look like; regal, spacious, and an atmosphere of free speech and learning. He admired the place, especially the St. Ignatius Church that sat on the edge of the property. Maybe it was the Templar in him that admired it the most. Or maybe it was just a nice looking building.

"Hey! This is a no smoking campus!"

Ignoring the teenager's shouts, Corinth continued on his way, following the signs leading to the dormitories. As the young person yelled at him once more, Corinth casually flicked his cigarette in their direction, prompting a barrage of curses aimed his way. "I can't stand teenagers," he muttered to himself. "Glad I never was one."

Upon arriving at the dorms, he tried to pull the door open, but it was locked. A campus safety measure no doubt. Banging on the door, he attracted the attention of a young woman who walked over.

"Detectives," he said loud enough for her to hear through the glass. "We need access to Kramer's room."

"I can't open the door for anyone without a pass or a student ID," she said matter of factly."

"Look, you can either let us in and we can all go about our day or I can go get a warrant and take you in for obstruction of justice which you will then have to call your parents and explain to them, in detail, why they needed to come bail you out. But I'm sure by the time they get there, our background check on you will find a few things even you didn't know you had."

She looked confused as she slowly put his words to context. "Wait...are you saying-"

"I'm saying open the door," he reached in his jacket and pulled out a metal badge, placing it against the glass with a clink.

The woman moved forward and let them in. "The San Francisco Police Department thanks you for your cooperation," he said, walking past her and into the hallway. Turning back, "Turner Kramer, upstairs?" The woman nodded and exited the building in a hurry.

"You should get one of these," he said, showing the fake badge to Lumina. "They come in handy sometimes. Let's go."

Moving upstairs, it was easy to find the room that doubled as a crime scene. The door was left wide open, which Corinth thought was odd. The door should have been closed, locked, and cordoned off pending an investigation, but here, the door was open and welcoming anyone inside.

His right hand moved toward Powell instinctively as he peered inside. The room was small, like any dorm room would be. A bed to the left of the room, a chair, small desk, cabinet to the side. What was in the room, looked disturbed, as if someone was looking for something. Chairs moved, sheets disturbed, pillow at odd angle...not only were they looking, they were trying to do it discreetly.

He sighed heavily with annoyance. "We're not the first ones here and whatever was here, is gone now." He looked to Lumina, "see if there is anything you can do with your magic. I'll stand outside and make sure no lookie-loo's get too close."

Stepping outside the room, he closed the door and leaned against the wall. Pulling out a cigarette, he placed it in his mouth and snapped it alight. Things were going downhill fast and it looked like their only hope for getting ahead in the investigation was to go and talk to a couple of stiffs on a table. He shook his head and emptied his lungs of smoke.

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