OOC - On Bees, Skills and Abillities

(Bees and the mythology will be explained in game after the next world event for those who have never played the game. You can also choose to be a "non bee".

Ranged weapons attack the Filth at a distance: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun

Magic weapons attack and control with the life of the body (Blood Magic), the power of Chaos itself and Fire and Ice magic (Elementalism).

Melee weapons get in close to deal damage and hinder and push back the enemy, face to face, with Blade, Hammer and Fist and Claw weapon attacks.

+ Fists - Damage and Healing - Fist weapons allow both furious destructive power and healing potential
= Blades - Damage and Survivability - Wielded in styles and techniques from across the ages, blades are melee weapons strong in both attack and defense.
= Hammers - Damage and Survivability - The heavy-hitting blunt weapon of choice in the Secret World, hammers apply great force at close range.

^ Pistols - Damage and Support - Dual pistols are medium-ranged magical firearms with a wide variety of unique tricks.
^ Shotguns - Damage and Support - The shotgun is a medium-range weapon that provides great utility for engaging multiple enemies.
+ Assault Rife - Damage and Healing - Assault rifles are high-powered ranged weapons with an occult twist, offering strong support options

^ Elementalism - Damage and Support - As much a fringe science as magic, elementalism manipulates and exploits elemental forces to punishing effect.
+ Blood Magic - Damage and Healing - Blood magic is the realm of sickness and prevention, both ancient and modern - but always hungry.
= Chaos Magic - Damage and Survivability - Chaos is a volatile magic that can turn the fortune of the battlefield and create weapons out of thought.

In the game “The Secret World,” players who have swallowed a bee, known as “The Buzzing” or simply “The Bees,” are granted a variety of superhuman abilities. These powers are awakened by Gaia’s pollinators and include

Awakening super-powers: Players discover they have magical abilities and other superhuman traits.
Reconstructing destroyed matter: The ability to repair or reconstruct objects.
Re-enforcing brain synapses: Enhancing mental capacities.
Omniscience: Gaining extensive knowledge about the game’s world.
Temporal transcendence: Manipulating or moving through time.
Dimensional traversal: The ability to travel between different dimensions.
Players can unlock abilities on the ability wheel and interchange them as they progress in the game. They can have fourteen abilities available at any time, seven active and seven passive, and can change these abilities when outside of combat

The Bees’ powers also extend to combat proficiency, with players able to use magic, various weapons, and even hand-to-hand combat to face their enemies. They can also regenerate from injuries, thanks to the bees of Gaia, and assume an anima form to regenerate their body at an anima well if their physical body dies

These powers are central to the gameplay, allowing players to engage in the game’s mysteries and combat the various threats they encounter in “The Secret World.”)

< Prev : Good Morning London 2 Next > : Obviously the partner they find for Corinth will be Lumina.