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View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji
Meeting the Dragon Agent
Turner Kramer sat alone in his dorm room in the evening. He spent a lot of these evenings alone looking at his physics textbooks.
He was a special scholar. Even though he was an undergrad at the University of San Francisco. He was already in talks with professors about presenting academic papers.
He was an excellent physicist and mathematician.
He did a lot of his thinking and what were called thought experiments. In other words he was daydreaming.
Over the past two weeks he had strange dreams. He saw geometric shapes that didn’t make any sense. These shapes would’ve baffled even Euclid.
He saw stone structures and ancient civilizations.
He saw strong warriors fighting off horrific creatures with glistening blades of steel.
However; they couldn’t fight them off.
Either the creatures were able to overcome them or the civilizations collapsed under their own degradation. Horrid carvings of strange beings lined the walls of ancient tombs of cities long forgotten in the past.
Never mentioned in any history book.
He had heard the whispers before, as if there were two forces of poetry.
One spoke in maddening gibberish. The other spoke in the language of the universe.
The Bees.
Their wisdom was so sweet.
That’s what jolted him awake; he had always been afraid of bees.
He knew they were trying to tell him something important.
Something about the future.
As he closed his physics textbook for the night, the small rectangular dormitory had only the light of his desk lamp to light it.
Turner looked out the window to his left side.
Outside the streetlamps lit up the courtyard.
There was something standing in the courtyard.
He was aghast to see it even so far away.
Turner knew what it was.
But it couldn’t be there.
The body of a man.
The head of a Moth.
Red glowing eyes.
It couldn’t be there.
Those things didn’t exist.
That was what he told himself after he began writing in his journal that things the universe was telling him.
Everything you learned about rationality seemed to be slipping away.
Strange dreams of tentacles, the master and the fades haunted his nightmares along with the other dreams of the bees.
Over the past couple weeks he kept everything these entities hnd told him in his journal.
He blinked again.
The creature was still staring at him with the red glowing eyes
He saw it’s wings begin to flap.
It sounded like helicopter blades going off in his head.
He closed his eyes for what seemed like eternity.
When he opened his eyes the creature had disappeared.
He grabbed his notebook and flung it across the room.
Irrational nonsense.
He would be presenting papers before the world knew it.
He looked back down at the notebook before feeling the sting on his neck.
There was a low humming throughout his dorm room.
He knew that humming.
He fell several more stains on his body as a swarm of bees enveloped him.
Sting his life away from him.
Brought to the floor by the pain, he grabbed his pen attempting to stab at the bees in the darkness.
He knew it was to no avail.
As he felt his throat swell up Turner reached for the notebook and opened to that page scribbling something under the first paragraph.
Hopefully someone would understand it.
It was something no scholar could dare comprehend…
Daylight On the Campus was already creating extreme heat, Sartre, wished he was in his T shirt and jeans
The trip through Agartha had gone well enough. After receiving his message from Geary, Sartre knew that he had to hurry quickly to the crime scene. Being able to flash an old FBI badge was one of the easiest ways to get past the security guards. However; he figured that someone was here already. It took a while for the labyrinth to get the information about things going on in San Francisco. Though was still in the United States and under Illuminati control, it was quite far away from the base in New York City. He was pretty sure team Green would find out about it eventually. They would always interrupt a good fight between the Templars and illuminati.
He heard static coming from his chip that had been implanted by Xern in 2012. This was the first time it had been used.
"Eye see you." Order is supposed to beat chaos, not the other way around. You see that Shining Emerald sitting on the park bench........ Geary wont be happy that others beat us to it.
"Shining Emerald? Dammit Cassini, I'm an illiminated agent rank, not a gopher anymore ad I'm still waiting on my vault data acess authourizatiion ." He grabbed his pendant.
"I'm not Cassini and we are team blue are we not? I'm Alyssa, I'm in a van a few blocks away........."
He heard static.
As he reached the bench he took a moment to touch his pentagram around his neck before approaching the woman. It was something he had done out of habit over the past eleven years. Like carrying around his books. Research about why people disappear and Operation Condor in Chile. He loved those books in his rental car.
She was reading a notebook.
A dragon Agent
She was different.
She was a new agent.
Like any good member of the Illuminati Sartre took the chance to take over the conversation as he scanned the area.
"Peter Sartre, nice to meet you Miss......? He extended his hand "It seems The Dragon works faster than Geary.
I’m not sensing Anima coming from you?
Am I wrong?
That means you didn’t swallow a bee back in 2012 or later.
Summer 2012.
A “terrorist attack” occurs at a Tokyo subway station.
The commuters are all infected with a strange virus that turns them into babbling creatures with black tentacles and gelatinous oozings coming from their former bodies.
At the same time, several people around the world from all different backgrounds are connected by swallowing bees. Something with the universe. Within days they finally have powers, abilities to maneuver the elements, abilities to move quickly in combat. Something happened when we swallowed those bees. But the dreams… that’s where we can find the truth.
After swallowing the bee, we all had the same dream.
Standing somewhere in the cold cosmos. There was snow all around us. Like Antarctica.
Angels. Had something to tell us.
There were different kinds, good and bad.
It would depend on what choices we would make.
They said that the prophecies of the end of days had begun and that dark days were here.
After waking up, we were contacted by the secret societies who looked to harness our powers. I was picked up by team blue. One thing unique about us Lumies is that we all had chips implanted in our head.
The factions were sent on several missions to different paranormal locations.
They were connected somehow.
The first was a place called Solomon Island where ancient Norse god Loki was stirring up trouble after retrieving the sort of Excalibur. His girlfriend and a member of a cult, named Cassie took the sword from him after we defeated him.
Then; we all fell unconscious Summit back into the dream world. This time the Angels weren’t there but there were voices…
Voices of something called the dreaming ones…
They told us that if we wanted to survive the end of days we had to separate ourselves from our factions and listen to them. They said they could give us immense powers. They offered a gift. I accepted the gift after the New England mission.
Next it was off to Egypt to fight mummies and the ancient pharaoh Akhenaton. The same substance found in the Tokyo subway was present in Egypt. The Pharaohs were being infected by it. They weren’t the only ones experimenting with it though the powerful Corporation Orochi was trying to harness the pathogen and its power Akhenaton and his Egyptian Cult were defeated.
Afterwards, we passed out again.
This time; we were back in the cosmos but somewhere cold. Freezing.
In the early 1900s, the Explorer Roald Amundsen had gone on a lost expedition to Antarctica. The explorers found something.
Something powerful.
Something horrible…
Once again; the dreaming ones made us an offer.
Bow to them in exchange for power and break away from the factions.
I ran and jumped off a cliff.
Next was Transylvania, and of course vampires. We had to fight off Dracula’s sister.
Once again when she was defeated we all passed out.
We returned to the frozen cosmos area, learning more about the failed Antarctic expedition and what could’ve been found out there. A woman. Perhaps Amundsen’s granddaughter, we don’t know who was at a crime scene in her home covered in blood. Strange symbols adorned the walls painted in blood.
She was afraid something, possibly the dreamers were after her.
There was also a young girl, she was rescued in a fire. She had powers herself but was extremely more powerful than anyone in the three factions, there is actually a fourth faction of pirates but I can tell you about that later.
This girl, now a woman, is named Anima…
The firefighter that rescued her mistook her name for “Emma.”
She could be the key to this whole thing.
Our second to last journey took us to Tokyo, the pathogen more commonly known as “The Filth” was spreading everywhere.
Everyone was fighting over it, either to control or figure out what it was.
The Orochi Corporation was headquartered there. We had to fight our way through their entire building until we finally realized who was controlling that corporation. It was the biblical Angel Samael along with the villainous Angel Lillith from the apocryphal texts. These Angels, they are common amongst all three Abraham make religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
There seem to be a Council of Higher Angels, these were the good angels I mentioned before.
They refer to themselves as “The Host.” Though they seem to be benevolent, their motives are also unclear but they are definitely not as dangerous as the dreaming ones.
The dreaming ones are extremely old gods. I don’t know how to put it, some type of eldritch horror.
The dreaming ones can project their thoughts into the heads of this world and possibly others. Who knows what’s out there in the cosmos?
We’re just standing here on this Pale Blue Dot… not even a fraction of the cosmos. The zero point pathogen is the thoughts of the dreaming ones. One can become infected by the pathogen if they let the dreaming ones into their head. They can also become infected by touching a physical manifestation of the pathogen either an infected human, creature, or the black gelatinous liquid that they leave behind.
Ohhh, I forgot to add that there was a religious cult called “The Morning Light.” This colt exists to recruit members into its ranks in order for them to commit suicide and give their minds and souls up to the dreaming ones in order that they may be eaten by the abominations. Remember what Carl Sagan said, “We are star stuff, a way for the universe to know itself.”
The dreaming ones, they like to devour stars…
We were able to chase the Morninglight Cult to its headquarters in South Africa.
After infiltrating the group, we thought we were finally close to getting their leader Marquardt as was the closest to the dreaming ones and the zero point pathogen.
Their steamed poweredrobots in the underground world of agartha the world tree that connects the entire world. These robots were invented around the 1900’s
Marquardt was able to escape as we had to fight off a weaponizedversion of these steam powered robots.
Our faction handlers helped with the fight.
Marquardt was long gone.
We were able to track his location to the Congo in Africa.
However; the all-powerful secret societies that vie for control of the world have not been able to find anything in seven years."
“We have lost too many…”
Sartre played with his pentagram necklace.
His phone buzzed.
Looking down, he read the secret message from Kiersten Geary
Placing a phone call to her he said,
"Yes, they beat us to it then Julia was probably pushing them to go fast. I see… There is some connection between the deceased. There has to be. Yes Mothman sightings and ley lines. Oh… “line” he whispered the last sentence, not knowing how much the dragon agent could hear.
“Team Red will be showing up soon enough.” Yes, we will work on the crime scene together, sending each faction our findings."
Talk to you later, boss.
Sartre hung up his phone.
“She always says Ciao Ciao.”
Using his profiling skills, he said.
“The victim was frightened and had a phobia of bees. He was killed by something that terrified him the most.”
As you got here first, I’m going to let you lead the investigation. I’ll be here if you need to ask me anything or perhaps need some help. What are you reading? Kierkegaard?"