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View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji

View character profile for: Choi Yeong
Thinking About Tomorrow
The Golden Dragon - Chinatown - San Francisco, CA
While still in the Gold Dragon, Eun-Ji’s mind was preoccupied with the unsettling series of mortalities that she had recently learned about. Each case seemed to involve the victim's fear manifesting into reality and ultimately leading to their demise. The nurse's fear of needles, the teacher's fear of mass shootings, and the physics student's fear of bees all culminated in tragic endings.
The thought gnawed at her mind: what could have caused these manifestations? Was it the elusive mothman, rumored to haunt the shadows? And if so, what was its goal? As she pondered these questions, Eun-Ji realized the gravity of the situation and the urgency to uncover the truth.
She mentally listed the important questions she needed to ask herself upon investigating the crime scenes: What evidence could she find to support the theory of fear manifestation? Were there any witnesses who could shed light on the events leading up to the deaths? And most importantly, how could she protect herself from becoming the next victim?
Eun-Ji resolved tomorrow to visit the crime scenes and gather as much information as possible. Unfortunately her path missed Choi Yeong not once but three times. Twice he walked past the window when she was in the Golden Dragon eating a late dinner. And once on the opposite side of a busy street while she was leaving Chinatown.
As Eun-Ji made her way back to David's apartment, she felt a sense of introspection settle over her. The streets of San Francisco had given way to a serene calmness as she stepped through the door. With a sigh of relief, she shed her jacket and slipped into her comfortable sleepwear. Her attire consisted of soft, loose-fitting pajamas adorned with a delicate floral pattern, providing a sense of comfort and relaxation.
Before retiring for the night, Eun-Ji made her way to the quiet sanctuary of her room. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, she closed her eyes and began her nightly meditation routine. With each deep breath, she focused on calming her mind and centering her thoughts. The stresses of the day melted away as she sank deeper into a state of tranquility. After several minutes of meditation, she felt a sense of peace wash over her, signaling that it was time to surrender to the embrace of sleep. With a final deep breath, Eun-Ji climbed into bed, her mind clear and her body ready for a restful night's sleep.
One might of thought it would have been prudent to immediately investigate the scenes; however, the Dragon taught about a balance in everything. It would have been unbalanced to go when exhausted and not mentally prepared. If something happened that required optimal performance, it would be difficult to respond well. No, evil will still be out there in the morning.