Settling in and moving out

Corinth entered his room and tossed his carryon onto the bed. The room was nice. There was a bed and bath and a small kitchen. He approved of the room, but he wasn't going to be spending enough time in it to really appreciate it. He opened the fridge and saw the bottle of whiskey and rum chilling inside.

"Props to the concierge." He checked the labels and then put them back, thinking that once the day was over, it was going to be a good night.

Feeling he needed to let his handler know they made it safely; he shot off a text to her and thanked her for the items in the fridge. She did her job well. He also told her to send him anymore information she might have obtained since they left and to send him any resources on any historical or cultural references, or natural energy conductors around the city that might potentially have a ley line running through it. Deeper focus on natural energy conductors and perhaps anything with heavy limestone deposits.

He unholstered Loy and looked the gun over. Safety on and removing the bullets, he spun the chamber around making sure it was free flowing with no friction to slow it down. Satisfied, he reloaded the gun, flicked his wrist to slam the chamber home, and then slowly moved the gun down his left arm, the chamber rolling so he could see every bullet inside. Once done, he holstered it and repeated the process with William.

Stepping out into the hallway, he moved to Lumina's door and banged on it. "Hurry up, got a rental being dropped off in a few and we need to go. No rest for the wicked, eh?"

He knew the crime scene was already heavily contaminated and finding anything of value was going to be hard if not nigh impossible. But still, they had to try. Beating ones head against a wall until it crumbled and gave way to its secrets was the Templar way after all.

He banged on her door again. "I'll meet you in the lobby."

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