Message from your faction handler: To all esteemed Templar Agents

To all esteemed Templar Agents,

It has come to our attention that the fog-shrouded streets of San Francisco have become the stage for a series of peculiar and unsettling events. Reports of Mothman sightings have been trickling in, stirring not only public curiosity but also warranted concern within our ranks.

Furthermore, two corpses have been discovered under mysterious circumstances. The details surrounding these grim findings are sparse, and the local authorities are keeping a tight lid on the information. However, we must consider the possibility of occult involvement.

But there is more. Alongside these incidents, we’ve detected strange energy disturbances. Preliminary analysis suggests these may be related to ley lines, a concept I find necessary to elucidate.

Ley lines are hypothetical alignments that connect various historical, natural, and sacred sites. They are believed by some to carry a unique energy, forming a global grid of spiritual power. The concept, while not scientifically substantiated, is rooted in the idea that ancient civilizations may have built structures along these lines, recognizing their significance.

As Templars, it is our duty to investigate these matters with both an open mind and a critical eye. The convergence of ley lines and the recent peculiar events could be coincidental, but we must consider the possibility of a deeper connection.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to investigate these occurrences with the utmost discretion and report back with your findings. Remember, knowledge is power, but silence is the sanctity of our order.

Stay vigilant, Richard Sonnac

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