
JP with Jaxx, Trustno1 and Cindy

Spoiler Alert for the movie Nosfartu (1922)

Sartre said, "For werewolves, there was a movie called "The Howling." I've never seen it, for vampires, there are several Dracula movies but only the Francis Ford Coppola "Dracula: Love Never Dies" stays true to the original novel."

He followed Alyssa up to their room so he could watch her research and help with the research.

During that hour, Alyssa did spend the time improving the distances the cameras detected and putting a warning sensor on some of them, so the monitors inside the house would alert when any new vehicle or person approached, in those areas. She then ordered any additional equipment that might be needed, including the feeders and cameras that would go on them. The cameras were high tech but very small, barely detectable by most. Then rechecked everything, making any additional adjustments,as needed.

When everything was done. Alyssa turned around and said to Peter, "I'm done, for now . I'll have to do more with the security system, after the new equipment arrives." The man had been there, for most of her work, but she had been so busy working that they hadn't conversed much. "So, I think we can head downstairs."

She stood up, grabbed a tablet for note-taking and made her way downstairs. As they were waiting on Max and Ekaterina to join them, Alyssa figured the others would not be, the hacker started figuring out where to find each of the movies that had been listed earlier.

"Can you download them?" asked Sartre.

"Yes," Alyssa downloaded the movies as they waited.

Meanwhile Agent Powers was showing off his baking skills to Ekaterina as he was making a no bake Chocolate Mousse with Cocoa Powder. Since he was strong it was not hard for him to whip up the mousse in the bowl till it looked like chocolate whip cream. Ekaterina nibbled on some strawberries as she was arranging a fruit plate to eat with the Chocolate Mousse with Cocoa Powder. Since he was not sure who would be joining them he made several helpings and then he made a kosher chocolate fondue sauce for the fruit in case Dahlia joined them. Once they were done they brought out the desserts and some gourmet coffee, sweeteners and creamers. They also brought bottled water in case they needed it. Once they were done Ekaterina asked, "So what are we watching?”

"I was thinking maybe we should go in chronology order, as the newer, the better the effects." Alyssa just thought it wouldn't be as much of a leap, for their minds, going forward rather than in no order. "So, that would mean Nosfartu would be first.”

Ekaterina sat down as Agent Powers served her and Alyssa their desserts before he went back to the kitchen to get the popcorn. Ekaterina then elegantly said, "Sounds good.”

"Let's start from the beginning." said Sartre. "The first film Nosferatu”

After coming back with the popcorn Agent Powers sat down and enjoyed some snacks and dessert with the others as they watched the movie. The movie was a silent one in black and white. In 1838, in the fictional German town of Wisborg, Thomas Hutter is sent to Transylvania by his employer, estate agent Herr Knock, to visit a new client, Count Orlok, who is planning on buying a house across from Hutter's own residence. While embarking on his journey, Hutter stops at an inn in which the locals are frightened by the mere mention of Orlok's name.

Hutter rides on a coach to Orlok's castle in the Carpathian Mountains, where he is welcomed by Orlok himself. When he is eating dinner and accidentally cuts his thumb, Orlok tries to suck the blood out, but his repulsed guest pulls his hand away. Hutter wakes up the morning after to find fresh punctures on his neck, which he attributes to mosquitoes. That night, Orlok signs the documents to purchase the house and notices on the table a miniature portrait of Hutter's wife, Ellen, an image that the young man carries with him in a small circular frame. Admiring the portrait, the count remarks that she has a "lovely neck.”

Max Schreck as Count Orlok in Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922). Reading a book about vampires that he took from the inn, Hutter begins to suspect that Orlok is indeed a vampire. With no way to bar the door to his bedroom, Hutter desperately tries to hide as midnight approaches. Suddenly, the door begins to slowly open by itself; and, as Orlok enters, a terrified Hutter hides under the bedcovers and falls unconscious. Meanwhile, back in Wisborg, Ellen arises from her own bed and sleepwalks to the railing of her bedroom's balcony. She starts walking on top of the railing, which gets the attention of her friend Harding in the adjacent room. When the doctor arrives, Ellen shouts Hutter's name and envisions Orlok in his castle threatening her unconscious husband.

The next day, Hutter explores the castle, only to retreat back into his room after he finds the coffin in which Orlok is resting dormant in the crypt. Hours later, Orlok piles up coffins on a coach and climbs into the last one before the coach departs; Hutter rushes home after learning of this. The coffins are taken aboard a schooner, where the sailors discover rats in the coffins. All of the crewmen later die, and Orlok takes control of the vessel. When the ship arrives in Wisborg, Orlok leaves unobserved, carries one of his coffins and moves into the house that he purchased.

Many deaths in the town follow after Orlok's arrival, which the local doctors blame on an unspecified plague caused by the rats from the ship. Ellen reads the book that Hutter found; it claims that a vampire can be defeated if a pure-hearted woman distracts the vampire with her beauty and offers him her blood of her own free will; she decides to sacrifice herself. Ellen opens her window to invite Orlok in and pretends to fall ill so that she can send Hutter to fetch Professor Bulwer, a physician. After he leaves, Orlok enters and drinks her blood, but the sun rises, which causes Orlok to vanish in a puff of smoke. Ellen lives just long enough to be embraced by her grief-stricken husband. Orlok's castle is later shown destroyed.

When the movie ended, Alyssa asked, "Does anyone know if it's true - that a vampire has to be invited into a private residence?" She did remember that being a thing in vampire stories, or, the few she knew about. "Is it true, or something to give the humans watching it a sense of control over the situation?" There was a very real possibility over either.

Ekaterina pondered for a bit then elegantly replied, "Well as you mentioned before each vampire clan is different in their gifts and curses. So perhaps perhaps only one clan will suffer from 'need permission to enter.' This could also be the case for holy water, holy land, silver bullets, garlic and crosses. It makes sense that each gift they recieved came with a curse to balance things out.”

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