Finding Out About The Vamps

Dahlia and Choi ate before heading upstairs to do more research on vampire clans. Dahlia appreciated the way Choi helped her solve the issue she had. The relationships was beginning to blossom.

The Brujah clan were the opposite of the Banu Hakim. They were true anarchists, labeling themselves as freedom fighters, although it was sometimes difficult to determine for whose freedom they fought.

The Lasombra were power hungry. These seemed to Choi to be most like the Sicilian Mafia. They would stamp anyone out to get to the top.

The Gangrel could easily adapt to their surroundings, whether city or wilderness. They had an adept skill of shapeshifting to adapt to their situation. Often, they tended to get lost in their animalistic instincts. Dahlia thought of them much like the Skinwalkers of the American West Native American lore.

The Hecate were into dead things. Their involvement in spirit summoning developed from this seeming non-vampiric trait.

The Malkavian were knowledge seekers, delving into to the truth of the universe. They are constantly seeking visions of things of which most minds have been able to handle, which has caused many fractured minds within their ranks, leading to many prophetic ramblings.

The Ministry seeks to liberate themselves and others from whatever they think may bind them. They know everything has a price tag. Whatever that may be, the Ministry will find it.

The Nosferatu are horribly disfigured. They tend to hang out in the darkest of places, such as the sewers, instead of appearing in public, which would horrify the best of mortals. This clan has been utilized as spies because of their clandestine nature.

It was nearing 6:00 PM when the two reached this point. Neither had any idea of just how many different clans of vampires there were. The research was exhausting, yet exhilarating because they were doing it together.

They decided to shower and go out for a meal. After the meal, dessert would be served in Dahlia’s room.

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