
JP with mdman, Jaxx, Trustno1, Redsword and Cindy

Dahlia and Choi returned downstairs. They both appeared humble after talking together.

“Dahlia has decided to stay,” Choi quietly spoke. “However, there has to be an understanding for all of our sakes.” This was stated a little more stern than he would have liked it to be.

Alyssa glanced at Choi, "Dahlia I'm glad you're staying. Well, Peter is upstairs. So, before I speak to him. What understanding? And you both should know he didn't read the mind of anyone here. He got that info from the vampire you met with." Alyssa had no idea if they believed that.

Choi rolled his eyes, and Dahlia looked in disbelief. It was Dahlia who spoke.

“We assumed that he was with you all that time. It was late when we returned from the library that evening. We headed to our respective rooms.” She thought a little more. “Tell me, why doesn’t he speak up much during our meetings. Could it be, he’s searching our minds for information we may have inadvertently left out or thought unimportant to matter. And, when he does speak, he addresses only you, as if we’re not even present. He doesn’t seem like a team player.”

"He was. What does where he was have to do with anything?" Alyssa wasn't understanding. Dahlia then asked about the meetings. "It could have to do with how socially awkward he is. He's more socially awkward than anyone I've ever met." Alyssa shook her head. "Like some of our abilities his takes effort. But it's also dangerous for him, it can even lead to death if unsuccessful. We would have seen signs like nose bleeds or worse if he was doing it at the meetings, at least that would have happened sometimes. Would any of you use an ability that could kill you, repeatedly on people?" Alyssa was getting frustrated. "You don't believe him, but do you believe me? I mean I could hack information out about any of you. Yet, I'm not being accused of doing that. So, what's the difference. Ekaterina has her little spies, correct. I'm not accusing her of spying on all us." Alyssa sighed. "Really we have abilities and skills.we can use against each other. So, anything we agree on, has to include all of that." Alyssa realized she went off on a tangent, but the entire thing seemed like everyone vs Peter.

“Oh,” Choi stated, “I agree. However, Dahlia’s question is valid. If Sartre was with you, how could he read a vampire who had just left us?”

"He can do it remotely. But it's difficult. Apparently, the vampire has a similar ability. I think he let Peter in to his mind. Permission still comes with dangers but it's less dangerous." Alyssa took a breath. "I know he wasn’t spending that night rummaging through your minds because he was busy rescuing me." She hadn't wanted to say anything but felt back into a corner. Alyssa turned to Max, "Sorry, I didn't tell you but there was nothing you could have done about it. It was a psychic attack.

“A psychic attack?” Choi said with raised brows, wondering if it was connected to Sartre’s psychic abilities. Maybe he was playing Alyssa. Choi decided to leave it alone.

“So let me get this straight,” Dahlia replied. “This vampire that we interviewed reached out mentally to Agent Sartre, even though he didn’t know who or where he was, and Agent Sartre was able to receive it?”

"Yes," Alyssa responded to Dahlia. "I don't know exactly how all of that part of it works but it seems like they were able to connect even without having met. It's possible the vampire read your minds and got info on the team. I mean I would think powers like that would affect vamps less than humans." Alyssa explained.

In the chip, Peter asked: “Alyssa are you alright?”

Alyssa replied into the chip."Yes, I'm trying to smooth the situation over.”

In the chip: Alyssa can you come to our room? My guess is it's not going well." said Sartre.

"It's not and that's why I can't. I'll be up as soon as I can." Alyssa replied into the chip.

In the chip: "See you when you get here.” Peter said.

Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder before he asked, “Wait you were attacked by a psychic? Who was it and how can I protect you from that if you don’t tell me?” He put his hands on his hips as he looked annoyed.

"It wasn't that a psychic attacked me. I was attacked in my mind by a ...a evil entity. It's been happening since my father disappeared, didn’t stop after he was found but I had a reprieve for a few months" Alyssa closed her eyes, it was clearly hard to talk about. "The portal at the Halliwell's house. You protected me from that but didn't you wonder why it came directly for me?”

Agent Powers sighed as he rubbed his forehead. Then he said, “ I get that you are going through a lot of stuff but I can’t protect you from the unknown or yourself. I know Sartre is also looking after you but I can’t do my job if you hold out on me. I know I lack the power to fight psychic abilities but if they have a physical body I can destroy them. Keep in mind I have a lot of experience in that field.”

Choi added, “You can count on more than your Illuminati buddies, Little Hacker.” There was an uncomfortable pause, then Choi continued, “So, shall we get this truce taken care of?”

"I know, I'm sorry for not telling you. It's going to sound odd but I didn't want you to be upset over not being able to do anything, in that circumstance." Alyssa, had thought she had done the right thing in not telling him but even to her, looking back at it now, that sounded not like her most brilliant idea. "I promise I'll tell you from now on." Hearing Choi's words, she looked at him and nodded. "Thank you for that."

On to the actual matter at hand. "Truce, yes. What did you have in mind?”

Dahlia thought it over. In her mind, this had to be for all on the team. “We all sign a contract not to use our abilities on each other unless it involves healing or empowering them.”

Choi shrugged. “Sounds good.”

"I'm good with that," Alyssa commented, and started to stand up. "If everyone else is good with it. I'll let Peter know." The hacker waited to hear from Max and Ekaterina before heading upstairs.

In the chip, Peter asked Alyssa: "How's it going?”

"We're deciding on an agreement that we don't use our powers on any team member unless it's for healing or to empower them. And it's for everyone.” Alyssa responded into the chip.

In the chip: "I agree to that.”

Choi looked up at Sung, seemingly taking in everything while eating. “Master Sung?”

Alyssa texted Peter, she wasn't really allowed to tell the non Illuminati about the chips, so. She texted him that she was covering for the chips, and to text her back in a moment. Then it was just to wait on Sung.

Looking at Choi, Sung shook his head. "Yes, I am fine with the idea,” he replied, looking at them. " I am glad you worked that out on your own. If this team keeps this up, I will be out of a job," Sung said in a joking tone. Sung wondered if that was going to be true. He was here to watch over the Dragons and the team as a whole. Sung wondered how long it would take for the team to outgrow him.

Alyssa glanced down at her phone. "Peter is good with the idea, as well. We should have something formal written up, as well. That way we can all sign it." Alyssa was willing to do that herself, though she felt exhausted from the day's events. She had no way of knowing how much she seemed tired to everyone else so, in Alyssa fashion, the hacker volunteered. "I can type it up, then send it to everyone. You can all look it over and note any changes that need to be made and then we'll have a final draft which everyone can sign. It shouldn't take that long.”

Sung raised an eyebrow, looking at Alyssa. Like most of them, she was good at hiding her feelings. The fatigue was starting to show. With their training, they were all taught to push until they could go more. Sometimes, that would be the difference between life and death. The contract was not as important at this moment as their agreement.

"Alyssa, get some rest. We can discuss the contract later, right now. The agreement is more important. Rest. I do not give orders, but in this case, I am telling you to get some sleep. We can deal with it before we head out." said Sung, not leaving any space for debate. "If anyone has a problem with this?" He asked more like a challenge.

Dahlia shrugged her shoulders. “I am a person of my word,” she said. “Would there be any kosher food left?”

“Possibly,” said Choi, “If Powers hasn’t gotten to that first. Anything left, Big Guy?”

Agent Powers gave Choi and Dahlia a smolder and then Ekaterina elegantly said, "Relax you two. I helped Agent Powers stock the fridge so there is a lot of kosher food in there if you want something else." Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder and then nodded as he replied, "Yeah Ekaterina is very smart about that stuff." Then Agent Powers phone buzzed and he checked it to see his delivery was ready. He excused himself as he went outside and then came back in with several boxes that he brought into the room. Ekaterina asked, "Is that the order for weapons and ammunition Mr. Powers?" Agent Powers nodded as he opened a box up and pulled a box of (50) 9mm bullets and handed them to Ekaterina. He then asked, "Will that work for you?" She elegantly smiled as she replied, "Yes thank you.”

Sung shook his head again in amazement. "Guns, they are loud and indiscriminate in the wrong hands, you guys almost shot me twice in the last fight. Make sure you know where you are pointing those things in the next fight, please, " commented Sung, not looking impressed by the bullets. "Sword has more of a civil edge. It is quiet and makes things more personal," Sung remarked with a glint of satisfaction in his eyes.

Agent Powers looked at Sung with a smolder then cocked his head to the side before he replied, "True they are noisy and make stealth pointless. However there are times when melee combat won't work. In my past missions I use whatever works to complete my mission. Sometimes its a blade, sometimes its a bomb, sometimes its a gun and under extreme situations I am stuck using a tree, a rock, silverware, cookware and even my fist. Don't get me wrong I know everyone has their preference when it comes to killing the bad guys and monsters but I just roll with it. But since we know the monsters do have a weakness I prefer to exploit that when I have to throw down with them. These bullets are silver and according to my father will do a lot of damage to a werewolf whether we shoot them or shove the bullets down their throat." Ekaterina gasped at Agent Powers' response. She was not sure how Sung would respond.

"That's a true statement, Agent Powers. I have to do the same, even using my Yumi bow for long-range fighting. You are right; everyone has their expertise. I just ask you not to shoot me in the back," Sung said with a grin, half joking. Sung looked like he was thinking, then looked at the others. Do you have sound suppressors?" I do not know much about them other than they suppress the noise of the gun," admitted Sung asking the others.

Agent Powers rubbed his chin for a bit as he pondered what Sung had said. Then he gave him a smolder before saying, "You know I completely forgot about suppressors since I was always limited to what I could carry into my missions. But after remembering our fight in the cave I do remember how loud the guns were with the echo. So now that you mention it I should order some from my father. Since I have 9mm shells already I'll have him send me some 9mm automatic pistols with clips and suppressors along with a suppressor for my holy gold shotgun. Thanks Sung." Then Agent Powers began texting his father for the next order and as he was doing so Ekaterina gave him a few more suggestions to add to the list.

"It is no problem, Agent Powers. That is why I am here," replied Sung with a small smile. Now, let's all get some rest. If you need to, it is going to be a long night, I would think, with what we are planning," said Sung, finishing his fries and drink.

Alyssa nodded to Sung, not even trying to argue with the man because it seemed as if she would have lost that argument. To Dahlia's question about the Kosher food. "Yes, the Kosher food is there." Pointing it out. The woman then got up. "You all know where I'll be." Alyssa left the kitchen and headed upstairs.

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