Where Do We Go From Last Night

When the knock came to her door, Dahlia was cozily sitting on the couch, embracing her knees just under her chin. Not wanting to get up, she encouraged Yeong to enter.

Choi placed both glasses in the same hand as the bottle, which took some doing without breaking them. He opened the door, seeing her on the couch in the white swim suit.

“I brought some refreshment,” Choi said with a grin.”

She smiled.

Choi placed the glasses on the table, opened the wine, and poured a glass for each of them. He gave one to Dahlia, which she gratefully accepted.

Taking a sip, Dahlia motioned for Yeong to sit next to her. He did so and took a sip of his own wine.

“Last night was wonderful,” Choi expressed.

“Yes,” Dahlia returned softly, “an experience quite like no other.”

“It was my way of saying,” Choi began to explain, “well, it meant something to me. I see in you a lady that is bright and beautiful. It is attractive, especially when you stopped throwing yourself at me and just being you.”

“Yeong,” Dahlia explained herself, “when I was doing that, I had an objective in my mind. I have meant to use you for information.”

Choi bowed his head. He knew this, which is why he asked her to back off.

Dahlia continued. “No other man had told me to slow down before. They were always in a rush. They didn’t want to get to know me. You did. You wanted to know me, not the role I played. I appreciate that.”

Choi grinned. “So, where do we go from here?”

Dahlia sighed. “As you know, my people want others to be in relationships with other Jews. Kat is in the same situation with Max. She must seek relationships with royalty. In fact, her family insists on arranging for her future.”

Choi frowned as he took a sip, then said, “Not ideal for her happiness.”

“Nor mine,” Dahlia admitted. “If I find joy in a relationship with a non-Jew, I will choose to pursue it.”

Choi raised his glass to a toast. “To us,” he said, “May the relationship blossom as the lotus.”

She smiled and clinked his glass. Both drained their glasses.

Choi raised a brow. He moved closer and kissed Dahlia. “Now what do we do?” he mischievously asked, as his lips caressed her neck.

Dahlia’s weakness was kisses to the neck, but she remained strong. There was so much to do during the day.

“Let’s reserve what you’re thinking for tonight,” she replied with a smile. “Right now, I’ll fill the glasses while you get your laptop. I’ll show you how to access the dark web. We have research to do on the vampires.”

The fact that they were descended from Cain interested her. Dahlia wished to learn as much as she could about them.

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