Breakfast and Swimsuits

JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1 and Cindy

Agent Powers gave the house a smolder before he nodded and replied, “Nice. I can workout here.”

Ekaterina smirked at Agent Powers and then began influencing the small rodents and bugs outside to patrol the grounds for intruders. She then replied, “It reminds me of one of our summer homes in France. Have you ever been there for vacation Mr. Powers?”

Agent Powers was confused and replied, “I have never been on a vacation before. I only travel for work. During my downtime I am held up in a hotel room till my next assignment.”

Ekaterina smiled and said, “You really need to go out more.”

"Well, you've got 25 acres and an indoor pool and hot tub. So, yeah I think you can work out here." Alyssa parked the van, got out and walked up to the front door, she keyed in the code and opened the door. "Well, home sweet home or temporarily at least. Being we're the first here, I say we take our things to our individual rooms." This also gave them the first pick of rooms. While each room was like a Master Suite with a private bath, Alyssa chose a room down the end of the hallway on the second floor with a view of the lake. Because she was at the end of the hall, that would allow Max and Peter to both have a room near her. Even though she figured Peter would end up in her room eventually, she wasn't ready for the team to know exactly what was going on between the two of them. Alyssa put her items in her room and then waited for Peter to be ready, "Let's check out the rest of the house.”

Sartre surveyed the interior of the mansion. It was extremely spacious, he wondered when they would get together to discuss the contents of the notes found in the printer.

He watched as Alyssa went to their room.

He dropped off his belongings in his room that he would stand until later in the evening.

"I wonder how long everyone else will be." Alyssa realized none of them had breakfast. Into the chip, she tried to get Max's attention. "Max, are you willing to help make a list of food, as in groceries, we need.”

Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder before he nodded and replied, "Sure thing. I'll have it delivered."

Ekaterina looked at Agent Powers and said, "Impressive Mr. Powers."

Agent Powers nodded and didn't look at Ekaterina as he asked, "Thanks. So which room are you picking Princess? I can take your bags there."

Ekaterina gave Agent Powers an elegant smile as she put her finger in her chin and pondered a bit then she looked around and saw what rooms were taken and debated a bit before picking the room next to Agent Powers.

Then he dropped off her bags, before putting his bags in his room. After that he talked with Ekaterina on ordering groceries that accommodated everyone. After placing the order he texted Alyssa that it would be delivered soon via drones. Then he and Ekaterina decided to walk around the house to see where everything was and the outside as well. There she began setting up her bug and small rodent sentries.

Alyssa walked around the house, with Peter, getting a good look at the large home. It certainly seemed like everyone would fit without being crowded. They got to the indoor pool and hot tub, "Well, that's nice. Might have to take advantage of the pool and hot tub later." She smiled at Peter. "So, did you pack a swimsuit?”

"Unfortunately no. Think we can discuss those notes over breakfast? Did you pack one?” Peter asked.

"I figured we'd discuss the notes when everyone got here, so, yeah, over breakfast sounds good." Alyssa said. "Yes, I always pack a swimsuit, never know when you might need one. Well, you could order one, it wouldn't take that long to get here. I mean if you wanted.”

"I should order one. " He placed an order in pax to be delivered by drone.

In the chip Peter commented "A bathing suit for me would cover up the bruises. There are more on me than you my hacker." he said. "What if I didn't want a swimsuit?" he whispered.

She responded, "That would be a little awkward if anyone else decided to use the pool.”

"Indeed, my swimsuit will arrive soon.” Peter said.

Soon, Choi’s Veloster was seen coming back the long driveway to the mansion. His first glance of it caused him to grin. It was larger than his place in California. Leave it to the Little Hacker, Choi thought in admiration.

He had stopped along the way for breakfast, thinking things over with a nice hot cup of tea. Since Dahlia wasn’t with him, Choi enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes and sausages. He wouldn’t dare eat sausage in front of her. He respected her that much.

He pondered why she wanted to ride with Sung. Master Sung could have just hauled her belongings, and she could have ridden with Yeong. Not thinking of a reason, Choi finished his tea and hurried to the safe house.

There were screens monitoring the outside of the property in various location throughout the house. Alyssa looked up at the one hung up by the pool. "Choi’s here." She commented. Then commented, so are the drones. Damn those things were quick. Into the chip. "Max, the drones are arriving." To Peter she said, "I'm going to head upstairs to help." She went upstairs and outside, watching, the drones drop off the packages and then fly off.

"Hi," She said to Choi. "All the bedrooms are on the second floor. Feel free to pick one that's not taken.”

Choi was surprised that Sung hadn’t arrived yet. He acknowledged Alyssa.

“Thank you for the accommodations. A lot better than where we left,” Choi agreeably said.

He retrieved his luggage and weapon cases from the rear. Carrying them upstairs, Choi took in the locations of the rooms.

The drones finished dropping off the items and Alyssa started retrieving them. One was marked from a Kosher food store and Alyssa tried to remember what little she knew about keeping Kosher. No pork, or shellfish, no meat with dairy but wasn't there something about special plates or a kitchen blessed by a rabbi. She felt very unknowledgeable about the whole thing and Alyssa being Alyssa decided to research it more later.

Agent Powers and Ekaterina were exploring the garden when he got a text from Alyssa that the food was delivered via drones. So he told Ekaterina that he needed to help make breakfast. Ekaterina was curious what his cooking was like so she agreed to go help. After going back to the house they began sorting the food before he began making breakfast.

Alyssa left the two to cook, as she tended to not do well with that kind of stuff and took the box with Peter's swimsuit. When she found him, she handed him the box. "Here you go.”

In the chip; "You seem to be enjoying taking a leadership role Alyssa." said Sartre.

"Your swimsuit has arrived. And I don't know, I mean its not something I would have thought I'd like but I, kinda, do.”

"Thank you." Peter noticed Alyssa seemed to be taking the lead with things. He smiled then grabbed his swimsuit unwrapping it from the package.

Choi chose a room and began unpacking his belongings. He laid out his weapons neatly upon the top of the dresser. Then, he began to place clothing in an organizational manner into the drawers.

"Max and Ekaterina are making breakfast," Alyssa told Peter. She assumed they would let people know when it was done.

Meanwhile Agent Powers was in the kitchen working like a chef making pancakes with fresh fruit topping, cheese omelets, toasted beagles, bacon and French toast. He made fresh fruit juices, gourmet coffee, chai tea and assorted condiments for the for and drinks.

Ekaterina nibbled on some grapes as she watched Agent Powers work with laser focus. She found his cooking skills attractive as she liked that he was like a loyal pet, only with bulging muscles.

Once Max was done he texted Alyssa that breakfast was ready.

Alyssa glanced at her phone. "And apparently breakfast is ready." Not knowing that Choi had eaten already, she texted him a similar message. Then turned back to Peter. "And I'm starving, so I'm going to head downstairs." Alyssa did just that arriving in the kitchen area a few moments later.

"Max, that looks and smells wonderful." Alyssa complimented.

Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder before he smiled and nodded at her. He replied, "Eat up." He then made sure Alyssa and Ekaterina had a plate to serve what they wanted, before he served himself.

Ekaterina sampled his cooking before she gave him an elegant smile and replied, "Wow Mr. Powers. I would love to hire you as my personal chef.”

Alyssa nodded, "Thanks," but herself a cup of coffee before diving into the food. Upon hearing Ekaterina rave about Max's cooking, Alyssa nodded. "Yes, Max here is an excellent cook." She then turned to Max, "You should be in charge of the food while we're here." She smiled at him.

Choi quietly returned downstairs after organizing his room the way he liked it. Walking into the kitchen area, he shook his head.

“I stopped along the way to eat,” he admitted. “But I will have some chai tea. Thank you!”

Ekaterina looked at Choi and then behind him before she asked, "So where is Dahlia?”

“There wasn’t enough room in my trunk,” Choi reported to Ekaterina, “So she rode with Master Sung.”

Ekaterina smiled as she replied, "I see. Did they also stop to eat?”

“I don’t know,” he replied. “I thought they’d be here by now. Sung is usually pretty fast” he quickly added, “at driving.”

He smiled a knowing smile at Ekaterina with that reply. They held each other’s secret.

Agent Powers swallowed his food before he replied, "If she's hungry later I'll make her something different." Ekaterina elegantly smiled as she replied, "How thoughtful of you Mr. Powers." Then she asked Alyssa, "So will we have another meeting today?”

"Yes," Alyssa responded. "I have info that I'm pretty certain that everyone will want to know about.”

Sung touched the screen on the dash. his phone lit up "Alyssa, Text," Sung ordered. there was a pause. "the voice came on "What would you like to say?" the voice asked. "We have arrived, Sent text." said Sung as they drove down the drive way.

Alyssa's phone buzzed. "And Sung and Dahlia have just arrived." She texted back. "Bedrooms are upstairs, pick an unoccupied one and then meet us down in the kitchen." She texted the same thing Dahlia. Then texted Peter to let him know they'd be meeting in the kitchen, in a few minutes.

Sung walked in with a grin. "Honey, I am home," Sung shouted in a joking tone.

< Prev : Driving To The New Accommodations Next > : Breakfast and Talk