Learning from the Master

Sung continued to drive looking around now and then. "I know I have not been around much but I had to.. Ah... take out some trash," said Sung with a sly grin. "Along with some side investigations for the organization. I am not so much here to do the job for the team more as a guide when needed." Added Sung looking over to Dahlia.

Dahlia’s face was sincere and demonstrated respect for Sung. “That’s the impression I received from Yeong at the meeting. What can you tell me to expect from the Dragons on the team?”

Sung was silent for a moment. "Mission first" He replied with confidence. "They work together well, loyal and steadfast. I have known them for some time and helped train them as well, as for respect, they give me, or most give me, it is earned and my experience," explained Sung with an expectation of satisfaction.

"What about you what do you bring to the table? What is your story?" asked Sung inquiring about Dahlia

Dahlia thought a moment. “I haven’t seen much of Moon Eun-Ji,” she probed. “I understand she is from an honorable Dragon family. Has she been called away?”

She paused a moment to register Sung’s expression, then quickly replied to his question. “Me? I am devoted to battling the presence of evil. I bring the power of the Kabbalah, what many refer to as the Tree of Life. The Princess? Although she is royalty, she desires to serve more than just her country. Her training and diplomacy will aid us in the end, as well as her control over the critters.” She chuckled over that. Was Powers under her spell? He seemed rather attached to her.

"As for Eun-Ji, she had her own way of contributing to the team." replied Sung trying to not give away too much information. " her family is well known in the Dragons organization. "Powers and the Princess? is not my concern if they, Ah.. like one another as long as it does not interfere with the mission. Now for Powers, I think he might be thinking with the wrong head," suggested Sung with a grin.

"Powers can be a little childish at times. Acting like a teen in maturity. But he is dependable and will protect Alyssa with no thought about it at all." suggested Sung.

“I’m sure,” Dahlia agreed. “Question…I didn’t mention Powers. Why did you bring him up? I can only speak for the Princess. Max, I know not much more than I’ve observed, which is the same as you.”

"I thought it would come up. You were asking about people working together on the team," Sung replied looking over to her. "I am an investigator by trade I guess you would say. So you have a lot of info on our team. I find that interesting." commented Sung not being protective or untrusting more like a curiosity.

“Not a whole lot,” Dahlia admitted. “Just what I’ve picked up since the end of the last mission. You really came through for the team there.”

"We are close to the address we were given," remarked Sung. The area was sparse trees clumped together here and there. Neatly trimmed green grass covered the land. it was a peaceful and pretty area.

“Yes,” Dahlia agreed, “much nicer than Gary. Miss Wilson sure knows her way online. The Dragons are lucky to have someone like you, Master Sung. We Templars are both young, although we do have more experience than the younger ones on your teams.”

Sung was looking and then answered "I am glad we can work together. I am tired of the infighting within our organizations. We will never save our world divided everyone has something to bring to the table." said Sung as they started down the drive way.

Sung touched the screen on the dash. his phone lit up "Alyssa, Text," Sung ordered. there was a pause. "the voice came on "What would you like to say?" the voice asked. "We have arrived, Sent text." said Sung as they drove down the drive way.

“Thank you for your generosity, Master Sung,” she used the title Choi honored Sung with out of respect for both.

“It is strange with the Illuminati,” she added. Mr. Sartre and Mr. Powers are older and seem more experienced, yet Alyssa seems to be the cog of the group. That’s just my observation though.”

The SUV pulled up to the house. "When you have been around as long as I have. You have seen it all or not much surprises you." Sung said with a wink. then opened his door to step out.

Dahlia got out and took in the scenery of the landscaping. “It is wonderful,” she gleefully expressed. “A perfect holiday spot. Too bad we’re not on holiday! I don’t get enough of those.”

"holiday? whats that?" commented Sung right before he walk through the front door.

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