A Step Back In Time

JP with Trustno1, Jaxx, mdman, and Cindy

Alyssa said, "Hold on a second," in a moment she had successfully put the boiler back together. She then walked out of the boiler room and waited for the others.

Agent Powers and Ekaterina left with Alyssa and Sartre to where Sung was. Agent Powers was not sure what to do since he was feeling rather useless at the moment. Ekaterina on the other hand was enjoying her time with the stoic Agent Powers and she did love a good mystery. She continued to search the theater with her minions in case she found something new to report.

As the group entered the area where Sung was, they see a room full of boxes and equipment. To the left side of the room it looks as if there is a door that has been opened by Sung. It leads to a darkened room covered in dust.

Alyssa pulled out her flashlight, "Sung, you in here?" She called out.

As Alyssa shines her light, the group sees Sung standing in what is clearly an old Speakeasy from the 1920's During the days of alcohol prohibition. There is a bar and a few posters from early films and plays of the 19th century.

Alyssa stepped inside, it was like going back in time. She walked around, looking at the walls, then moved behind the bar to check out that area. Clearly intrigued, the hacker commented. "This is great.”

Choi quietly said to Dahlia, “I honestly don’t think he knows anything.”

“How can we be sure?” Dahlia asked.

“If he hadn’t answered the question at the threat you made, the. I believe he doesn’t know,” Choi responded.

Dahlia sighed. “You’ve got a point.” She sheathed the dagger back into her boot. “But we don’t want this lug blabbing while we’re still here.”

“Exactly,” Choi began. He gave Dahlia the gun to hold on the guard and began the smooth-flowing motions of dahnmudo. Soon the guard flew backward into the wall, making a rather huge hole. The force was so great, it knocked the man unconscious.

“Nice,” Dahlia admired the power. “Let’s find the others. Sung found something.”

Agent Powers looked around with a confused expression on his face as he asked, "What is this?"

Ekaterina looked at Agent Powers elegantly, confused by his question. She elegantly replied, "It is an old style bar Mr. Powers. They called them a Speakeasy during the 1920's during the days of alcohol prohibition."

Agent Powers seemed to get it a bit as he nodded and replied, "Ohh... so this is what a bar looks like."

Ekaterina was a bit shocked by that comment and elegantly asked, "Have you never been to a bar Mr. Powers?"

Agent Powers shook his head no and replied, "Nope. None of my missions included going to one. All my handlers met me at secluded places for safety."

Ekaterina was very intrigued by that answer as she asked, "Do you not fancy alcoholic beverages Mr. Powers?"

Agent Powers shrugged as he replied, "Dunno. Never had one before. My dad said it would cloud my thinking and mess up my missions so Inever bothered."

Ekaterina was a bit taken back by how similar Agent Power's life was controlled by his family much like hers was. She actually felt a connection with him and wanted to learn more about him. However, that would need to wait till later since they were still on the case.
Ekaterina elegantly asked, "So is this room a part of history or are we seeing another illusion?”

Dahlia revealed that Sung was in the basement. She and Choi quickly walked the stairs. Hearing Kat and Max talking as they entered, both were surprised at Max’s confession.

“Interesting,” Choi stated.

“Maybe the proprietor is a certain Skorzeny?” Dahlia offered to everyone. “I wonder if he was any relation to Otto Skorzeny.”

Ekaterina elegantly smiled at Dahlia as she said, "Mr. Sung found this hidden room. Is it me or does this theater feel like it came from the Twilight Zone series?”

Alyssa emerged herself in trying to find anything of significance behind the bar, she pulled out a whiskey bottle and dusted it off. It was empty but the bottle was amber, squarish and had a label on it, "Old Horseshine". Alyssa’s face lit up. "Maybe no spirits down here of the human kind, but this bottle could be a collectors item.”

“I believe,” Dahlia suggested, “there was a gangster presence here. It’s confusing, since Skorzeny is Polish.”

"There were polish gangsters in the 20s. One of the biggest rivals to Al Capone was Polish/American. Hymie Weiss, was what he's known as but his actual name was Henryk Wojciechowsk." Alyssa commented while continuing to look through the bar.

“So,” Choi replied, “you think this belonged to that gangster? Skorzeny was maybe his right hand man?”

Choi began to search with Alyssa, wanting answers. He didn’t get any from the guard.

"Well, we aren't that far from Chicago. It's possible though Skorzeny came up with nothing. However, I could double check the 1920s in particular and..." She trailed off as she typed in the name and then lifted her cell up a little. "Signal's not great down here.”

Agent Powers and Ekaterina were looking around with the others. The place felt old and historical as they looked around.

"Still nothing." Alyssa shook her head, "If he was a minor gangster who never got caught. There might be nothing, there were far too many of those in the 20's for law enforcement to keep track of." Alyssa kept looking behind the bar. The other bottles didn't seem nearly as interesting as that first one.

Ekaterina then had a thought as she elegantly asked, "Perhaps there is a hidden safe or room used to hide valuables or for secret meetings? I heard they were all the rage back then.”

"That's very likely," Alyssa agreed. "Besides, behind the bar might want to look behind anything in a frame and maybe look for a hidden pocket door.”

Agent Powers and Ekaterina began looking behind picture frames and checking the walls for secret panels.

“Or,” Choi suggested, one of the taps may be false and open up a trap door.”

Alyssa nodded, "That's likely as well." She seemed a bit like a kid in a candy store as she searched all the bottles and anything else she could find to look at.

Choi began pulling on the tap handles. All had been drained of beer for decades. Hopefully, one would open up another clue.

Alyssa looked at her phone again, "Otto Skorzeny SS Officer, tried to free Mussolini." She said, but almost as if thinking out loud. "Ah...Janos Skorzeny. No relation to Otto. Bought this theater recently." She looked around some more and spotted a wooden lever. Walking over to it, the young woman carefully pulled on the lever.

As the lever was pulled, the collection of bottles behind the bar reveal themselves to be a hidden doorway into a room. The room is enveloped in darkness, all of the furniture is covered in blue sheets. There are several musical instruments laid on tables and chairs.

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