Back To Work

It was two days after getting the van that Alyssa was contacted by Cassini, a new job. Apparently, weird things were afoot in Gary, Indiana. Gary? Indiana? What a place to be sent to. Alyssa had never been but knew enough to know it was a beaten down city. Crime ridden. On second thought, it made sense.

Well, she had been tasked with getting a hold of the others. Not just Max and Peter but the others who had been working on the last assignment of the joint group. Including the late to the party Templars.

As much as Alyssa had felt rather safe at her childhood home, and rather relaxed as her mother hadn’t been here the entire time. The woman was on some round the world cruise and still had two months to go. This house also never exactly suited her and the hacker had been getting itchy for more to do for a while.

She had had time to heal a bit from everything that had happened to her on the last assignment and before. The memories are always with her but they are easier to deal with now. This place had been safe, it wasn’t lost on the hacker that out there, she was vulnerable to the portal and that thing that was after her but it felt different somehow. Knowing the fight wouldn’t be solitary did help.

Max had been staying with her, so Alyssa found him and filled him in with as uch as she knew. It wasn’t much they needed to go to Gary, Indiana more would be sent in a file. Then the text came from the newest member of the group, - even the Council of Venice was getting involved. Marina Del Rio.

The file on Marina was good enough, 29, a basic description, some other details, From Valencia, Spain. etc . etc. The file on why they were being sent to Gary, as expected, not very detailed, but the general idea was in there.

Alyssa sent out the text to the other members to meet in Gary, gave an address of a hotel for everyone to stay at. It was an open one that didn’t have a completely awful rating, not a lot of five star accommodations in that area. She said for everyone to text her when they got there.

Time to get back to work.

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