Nice accomodations

Marina sat in a very comfortable chair inside a rather luxurious plane. Private flight to Indiana, courtesy of Amparo Osorio, always the charitative soul. Still, despite everything, Marina was tense, nervous, almost itching for something. Indiana... She was supposed to help people from the big three get along, something told her it'd be an arduous task. The feud between factions was literally millenia old, and even if the agents themselves weren't, affiliations did always make for great grudge centers.

She sighed and took a sip of her drink, a tasteful spanish red wine. Commodities afforded by her status in the Council.

Marina didn't like the big three very much at all. She'd been courted by them shortly after her awakening, and with their offers, she'd seen their true colors: the false honor of the Templars, the clear greed of the Illuminati, and the unnerving depravedness of the Dragon. She wanted nothing to do with any of them. She was soon to join the scores of 'missing bees' when she was found by the Council of Venice, who offered safety and a purpose she could get behind, to stop all the madmen from the big three from going too far.

She always packed light, only essential things you couldn't get on site. A change of clothes, weapons, and utilites. That and a deck of cards, you never know when they can come in handy.

Stepping out of the plane, she stretched and headed out to her hotel in Indianapolis, going to her room and collapsing on the bed, letting out one long sigh. Carmen had said the 'loose group' would 'reform' in Indiana, so there she was, Indiana. What a place. She didn't like it much.

After no more than fifteen minutes, she got up, showered, then got dressed and ready. She'd been given a file on the members of this group, a file she'd reviewed during the plane trip. She was always very diligent when preparing for a mission, something that was drilled into her during her days in the intelligence community, and that had been very useful in her time as a CoV agent. A hacker, a transforming child, martial artists, a princess... The group was, at the very least, varied and out of the ordinary.

She managed to make contact with one, an Alyssa Wilson of the Illuminati, who was on her way to Indiana. They agreed to meet when she got to the state, and Marina decided that she wanted a relaxing bath.

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