Kitchen of Questions

Jp with Trustno1, mdman, Jaxx and Cindy

Alyssa made her way to the kitchen. She went into the fridge, hoping to find something a little stronger than soda. She found some craft beer. It would do.

She rummaged through the draw until she found a church key, using it to pop the top off the bottle. The bottle opener was unceremoniously thrown back into the draw, and the draw was slammed shut.

Alyssa then noticed Max sitting at the table. Damn, that message must have really thrown her off. She took a seat at the table and sipped her beer. "Hey," Alyssa greeted the man. "You haven't gotten any odd messages, have you?”

Agent Powers swallowed his food and washed it down with some water before he could reply. He shook his head yes as he replied, "Well depends on your view on weird. I get mean texts from my dad telling I need to do better. I also get texts telling me that people want to buy my house, some want me to marry a woman from China, some want to improve my love life like I even have a love life and several Nigerian Princes want to give me money if I give them my bank account number. Honestly they all fall under weird to me since I have no friends, no girlfriend or social life and yet all these strangers want to influence my life." Agent Powers then took another bite and chewed on his food.

Alyssa sighed. "Of course, I had to be the one to be targeted." She was concerned and annoyed at the same time. "I want to show you something but it's kind of a long read. Don't say anything to anyone about it until I have a chance to show it to my father and Peter." She pulled out her phone. "You up for this?" She asked Max.

Phoebe followed Alyssa downstairs, careful to keep her distance. "Alyssa, I just had a premonition, or a recollection. Someone sent you a message......" said Phoebe following hastily but respectively after Alyssa. It looked as if the color had drained from Phoebe's face.

Alyssa turned to Phoebe, "Doesn't explain the look your sister gave me. But I did get a message, maybe you could read it.”

Agent Powers read the text in silence then copied it to his phone before he closed the app and the phone. Then he handed it back to Alyssa in silence as he gave Alyssa and Phoebe a smolder. He kept quiet as he took another mouth full of food. He knew it was easy to keep his mouth shut when eating so he listened as he ate.

"I apologize for my sister's actions, she's always been that way. She's been through a lot over the past twenty three years. She is even worse with me." May I take a look at your phone Alyssa?" asked Phoebe.

"Yes," Alyssa stated, not wanting to talk about Prue any longer. She handed her phone to Phoebe and took another sip of beer.

"This person was clearly in distress. Though he knew how to use the internet in it's very early days. We didn't get our first personal computers until two years later. He was clearly older and in a later stage of life. He definitely had a military background. He was probably a father or grandfather. Definitely divorced. Someone was after him, they more than likely got to him. But he had set up a parameter and security devices that could rival one of our magical wards. There's that reference to Cambodia again. " Sartre and Matt Wilson left the attic and emerged from around the corner. "Alyssa; can your excellent computer skills tell us anything about Cambodia and Cowboys?" And what exactly did this message say Alyssa? What do you think it means?" asked Sartre As he sat down across from Alyssa. He respectfully allowed Mr. Wilson to take a seat next to his daughter.

To make things easier, Alyssa sent a copy of the email to everyone currently in the kitchen, except Max because he already had a copy. "There you can all read it. Question - is everyone down from the attic? Might we want at least one Illuminati up there?"

Alyssa stood up, "I'll get my laptop and start researching that.”

"I think that the attic is pretty well guarded, Alyssa. Mr. Wilson, though it may be a touchy subject, you've been out of our world for quite a long time, though not as long as Miss Prudence Halliwell. Do you think you could go up there and read through the occult books? You might be able to pick up on something. Feel free to take a look at their book of shadows. You might have uncovered things during your time away.”

"Speaking of security, has anyone seen Eun Ji? She still has that bible of Saint Ede." said Sartre.

"I can take a look." Matt Wilson retreated back up the stairs to the attic.

Alyssa came back into the kitchen with her laptop and heard the comment about Eun-Ji. "Last we saw her, she was headed into the tunnels under the church with that friend of hers. She hasn't arrived here. I doubt she'd give us that book anyway. Maybe, another Dragons could get it from her.”

"Alyssa, Let's see your computer skills. I did not want your father reading that email, with what he's been through, I figured it would be too disturbing." said Sartre.

Piper Halliwell entered through the front door, and made her way to the library. Her natural aging had not taken much of a toll on her. Though she had clearly gained wait and her hair was blonde. Phoebe showed signs of aging as well. The cosmos at work. This was in contrast to Prue and Mr. Wilson. She joined the others in the kitchen.

Agent Powers remained calm despite several people entering the kitchen now to see Alyssa work on her computer. He gave them a smolder as they came in and paused before going back to eating his very large sandwich and drinking a tall glass of water. He looked at the beer that Alyssa was drinking and raised an eyebrow at her in surprise, but kept his thoughts to himself. He felt a bit out of place as he was the muscle of the team and not much help in the brains department. Then he got an idea and got on his phone and began ordering items from "Amazon", but actually it was a front for supplies from his father.

Piper, the expert chef respectfully looked over Alyssa's shoulder and watched her work on her laptop. Phoebe and Prue could be heard arguing down the hall.

Alyssa took a while, typing away. She was aware of Piper looking over her shoulder. So, much so that at one point she turned to the woman and said. "You could just pull up a chair."

The hacker went on with her work, then turned to the group. "I need to make a call. I'll be back in a few minutes." She got up, and left the kitchen, but did return quickly. "Well, this is going to be long so bear with me. It seems as if there was a unit in Cambodia, that was disbanded by President Ford, in the 70s. There are no more references to it until the late 70s and early 80s when several paranormal cases seemed to be solved by investigators who used extremely brutal methods on both humans and monsters. They're only signature is a green triangle. In the late 80s through the 90s another version of this group was created. They operated in cells. They were organized; unlike the brutal groups of the '70s and '80s, they also used the Green Triangle. A secret program was created after September 11th 2001. This program combined something called Project Twilight with something known as The Security Clearance. The Security Clearance was only known by the symbol of the green triangle. The combined forces of these two, Project Twilight and the Security Clearance became known as The Program. The Program is directly under the control of the United States government. The second version of the green triangle group also exists. They refuse to be a part of the federal government's program. I also came across a file for a Major General Reginald Fairfield. I believe he was the one that wrote the document that the anonymous person emailed me. He was killed on February 25, 1994. However, I do not have access to his file beyond that. I called Cassini, but she said, basically, it was above her pay grade as well. It, apparently, can only be accessed by Kirsten Geary.”

< Prev : Attic Of Weirdness Next > : Contacting Geary