Good Morning London!

Lumina leapt out of the Tube and made her way out of the London Underground, working her way through the rush hour crowd of commuters. Upon exiting the station, she put up the hood of her hoodie to ward off the rain. While the area just outside of the station was sketchy, a block away, London’s smiling, commercial face and parks. Alas, Lumina hadn’t given herself enough time to get a cup of coffee, so straight to work she went. Taking a right, she approached a guard and flashed him her ID, which identified her as Jennifer Hawkins. This was not the name she had been born with. Neither was Lumina, which was actually more of a nickname she had come to identify herself by. It was easier for everyone that Sara was dead, even if it meant she could never see her family and former friends again. Although there were times that Lumina missed them dearly, she knew that this was the price she had paid for her abilities and the knowledge of the Secret World.

Upon being admitted through, Lumina made her way to the Temple Hall, where she again had to show her ID and this time be scanned through. While she supposed that one could never be too careful in this line of business, Lumina did find it irksome to have to go through so much security every time she came through there. As far as she knew, she had not picked up an alien parasite nor defected to the Illuminati during her one week of R&R (the last investigation she had run had been rather traumatic, so she had much appreciated the time off), but rules were rules, and for the Templars those rules had been in place for a long time, and one did not just violate them.

Lumina made it to her office at just the nick of time. Punctuality had never been her strong suit (to her boss’s ire), so she counted this feat as an accomplishment. She had barely sat at her desk and opened her inbox before she was summoned to her boss’s office. Did they have a new job for her already? Although being in the field was her favorite part of the job, she could feel butterflies in her gut as she made her way to the enclosed office…

(OOC: I am not quite sure how much you would like me to let you GM/DM this game versus letting me go free reign with my character’s actions and narrative, so I will conclude this post here for now. If you would like me to take more initiative going forward, please let me know!)

< Prev : Episode One: Man in the Box Next > : OOC - You can do anything. It will have effects on the game.