Those That Come From Beyond

Written by Trustno1

The trees were twisted in the darkness. He stood there in the middle of the San Francisco woods. These are the same places where the zodiac killer had run amok in the 1960s. That case was never solved.

The man couldn't help but laugh at the thought of "a case."

He thought back all those years, if he hadn't taken that case.

He would not know the words he was about to speak.

He knew the danger that the words evoked and that the language would evoke.

He was still confident he could get it right.

He hated that language.

He hated where it came from.

He carefully began to chant, knowing what could occur if anything went wrong.

A hard rain began to fall on the twisting trees, splattering on his black coat.

"N'gha ahornah ah'mglw'nafh.
l 'drn ah'f'nah ch'nglui.
bug Iiahe persephone.
llll mgehyee ot wicker's uh'eagl.
mgahnnn shuggnglui"

He felt as if his intestines were swimming in water. Everything he had said and done was from memory. No spell book needed.

He fell down after reciting the powerful incantation. He knew what would happen if he got it wrong. The thing was that he didn't know what would happen. He knew he would not know. Not knowing was terrifying.

The man in black heard a helicopter above him. That was odd, such a supernatural disturbance could not be interrupted.........

Not a helicopter........

Flapping wings..........

After all these years.

Had he got it wrong?"

In the distance he saw a quick flash of a human-like creature with a head of a moth and glowing red eyes.

The same when he saw a few nights before.

After a few blinks the creature had disappeared.

A large red circular portal shone through the trees.

The thunderstorm began to increase in intensity.

Finally; something stepped out of the redness.

"Listen, I need you to relax, it's no longer 2001. You are now in the year 2024."

A branch would snap from a tree and nearly fly directly into the man's head.

A young woman in a black coat was standing in front of him. She was wearing jeans and her hand was close to her pocket.

"And the World Trade Center came down, the US government lied about the Iraq war, they ended up losing to the Taliban, there was a pandemic, and Russia invaded Ukraine. I don't need the history lesson, I watched it all. Not from where you might think." The woman said somewhat angrily.

"You move things with your mind when you're upset." Said the man.

"The branch missed on purpose." The woman would continue.

"I feel like I know you from somewhere. I have seen you before.

I've been around this world a lot longer than you.

One must act with cautiousness. With prudence."

The woman drew a scalpel-like blade from her pocket in anger."

She would say, "Whoever you are, Theodore and Amarillis, send their regards. You're close to getting to meet them."

"It's almost as if you were destined to be here, you even have the blade. How did you get that scalpel? I know Amaryllis and Theodore. I know Sonnac and Geary and Arturo and the voice of the Dragon, even though they have never met me."

"Who?" asked the woman angrily clutching the scalpel.

She was prepared to rush towards the man.

"The secret world needs you, your sisters need you."

The woman loosened her grip on the scalpel.

The rain began to lash both their faces.

The man said, "Welcome back, Prue Halliwell."

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