Dragons Leave P3

JP with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy

Yeong turned to the lady that was requesting them to leave. “But oh,” he stated, “I would like to buy something. I don’t suppose you would have any Korean ginseng here, would you?”

Piper sighed, clearly agitated the two men wouldn't leave. Phobe went to a shelf, looked at a few jars and pulled one down. She handed it to Yeong, "Chinese ginseng."

“Chinese?” Choi questioned in disbelief. “Is it red ginseng?”

"That jar is white but we have red. We don't get many looking for Korean ginseng." Phobe explained. "We can order Korean if you'd prefer. "

“Red is fine,” Choi stated, although he was disappointed it wasn’t Korean. “I am truly sorry for the intrusion,” he added, while handing her a credit card. “I had wished we could all work together for Gaia’s sake. Something is telling me she’s in for a shake. If you think of anything that might help, we’d appreciate it.”

Phobe got Yeong a different jar so he would have the correct ginseng. Piper responded to the man's words. "Sure." She took the credit card and ran it. Handed him back his credit card and the receipt them waited for the two Dragons to leave.

“Are you ready, Master Sung?” Choi asked the older and wiser man. “Where to next? The mansion?”

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