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View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Choi Yeong

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers

View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi
It's Really Most Sincerely Dead
JP with Redsword, Trustno1, Jaxx, and Cindy
Agent Powers was feeling awkward and embarrassed after being caught dancing before the others. He was not sure what just happened or why he was flashing back to his spartan days of training under his father, but it was very weird. He then saw Alyssa was looking in bad shape and he replied back to her, "I think so. I had a weirdest dream just a while ago, but it felt so real. What was that?"
Sung nudged the shade some with his foot making sure it was dead. "That was a shade I think I am not an expert. We burn it now all of it possibly if we are smart the whole house. but that's not my call you should talk to your director to find out if they will send a cleaning crew out," suggested Sung.
Sung walked around the basement looking for any other clues to this ministry. This place was a mess now and he knew the chances of finding anything now were slim. Stopping he looked around one more time. "A guard was making something stronger attached to this place. That is how they got rid of any snoopy people," said Sung starting to guess at what was going on. "That means someone is taking care of the land there is a human involved somehow. something like a cultist. Lots of different moving parts and we are in the middle of it." Sung said thinking out loud.
Agent Powers looked around to see the mess and nervously rubbed the back of his head. He was in over his head on this mission since he main skill was hitting stuff. He wondered if he did all that damage during his hallucination. His past training was rather traumatic for him and he had to dig deep to over come it. Oddly enough his favorite songs aided in distracting him from being overwhelmed by his childhood trauma. Music soothed the savage beast was a line he told himself all to often. He then asked, "Did I make this mess? Sorry if I did. Fighting nightmares was not in my training."
"You alright Max?" Satre asked.
"Max, you didn't make the mess." All he really did was sing and dance. Alyssa was a little tired of looking at the dead shadow and still not feeling great. She though managed to stand. "I need to get some air, anyone else coming?"
Sung looked at the two and smiled. "I think my work is done here. I will be upstairs if you need anything more," said Sung his expression showing some annoyance. "Have a good day you too," Sung said. Turning to Choi "Let us go unless you want to be here all day." Sung suggested walking up the stairs and then outside and looking for Eun-Ji.
Alyssa took one of the orbs. She used the chip to say to Peter. "As I much as I appreciate Sung's help. Figures the Greens would leave us to clean up the mess." Then outloud, "We need to call a clean up crew. We can do that back at my van. Then we can go wherever we need." She then turned to Max, "Come on Max, let's get back to the van." The three of them could discuss things later. Alyssa then headed up the stairs, though taking it slowly in case she had another dizzy spell.