Goodbye London! Hello San Fran!

*Including Jennifer "Lumina" Hawkins*

Corinth stared out of the giant window at the airport that overlooked the planes. Many were docked and either loading or unloading passengers. He watched a few take off and always marveled at how something so big and heavy could fly across the planet. True, something as trivial as that shouldn't take up space in his mind, not with the Secret World and everything that came with it, but still, some things seemed more impressive than others.

He heard some shuffling behind him. Turning, he saw his new partner making her way to the waiting area. He had never worked with her before, but he had seen her around. Might have even said hello a time or two, he couldn't remember. Being busy as of late, it was hard for him to know what day it was much less how many times he hello'd someone.

When she drew closer, he closed the gap between them. He always wore his black trench coat and kept it all business underneath. The coat was never closed and when he moved, his pistol could easily be seen holstered to his right thigh.

He gave her a quick look up and down before speaking. "You must be the one they call Lumina, right?" Pulling his right hand out of his pocket, he held it out for her to shake. "I've seen you around the office a few time, not as of late, mind you, but a few times." He smiled at her, trying to appear friendly, though his mustache and goat-tee might make him look the opposite.

"I'm Corinth, but I'm sure you knew that already. We got some time to kill till we board, you wanna grab a drink or some food while we wait?"

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