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View character profile for: Choi Yeong

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Pictures of The Sisters
Halliwell Manor - Basement
JP with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy
Agent Powers was in awe by what he just saw. He had his mouth open and a blank look on his face. He was not sure what he just saw, but it looked oddly like a bunch of movie trailers combined into one. Was this some kind of magic vision or did they do commercials? Was it some kind of magical documentation for others to see later on? There were a lot of unanswered questions for the teen hiding in a large man's body. Then Alyssa's voice snapped him out of his trance and he looked around to see he was still in the basement. He remembered he was holding a family album and decided to mention it. He replied, "Uhhh yeah. I don't know what that was but I found some kind of family album if you want to see some pictures of the women who probably lived here." Agent Powers held up the album to show Alyssa.
"Well, then let's take a look," Alyssa took the album from Max, found an old dusty bin and put it on top so both men could see. "Well, according to what I found in the database. This was Prue Halliwell, she died a while back. This is Piper, Phoebe and their half-sister Rose." Alyssa pointed them out as she went through the pictures. "That was their Grandmother Penny Halliwell who raised them after their mother died. She left them this house." The other pictures seemed a bit more random. "I don't know who some of these people are.”
Agent Powers looked at the many pictures and tried to remember the faces with the names. Sadly he was an average student so he would need to go over this a few times to remember who was who later on. As he pondered that he remembered the fancy technology Alyssa used in her van as he asked, "So can your computer copy the pictures and compare them to the ones on the internet?”
"Yes, I should be able to get info on a majority of them." Some of the pictures looked old, she wasn't sure about those, it could be wrong information or none. "I can work on them.”
Agent Powers felt good as if he had contributed to the team. He smirked and nodded as he replied, "I hope it helps. Oh by the way in the tubs are a lot of women's clothing and costumes, but I also found a lot of jewelry, costume props and odd trinkets. I don't know if they are valuable or important. Should we get someone to check it out in case they are related to magic or something?”
Choi looked at the pictures. The sisters seemed very close on them. He wondered what had happened to them.
“How did Prue die?” he asked, then added, “I wonder if any of these others are Emma or Marquardt.”
It was at that moment that chills went upwards from Choi Yeong’s arms to his shoulders. The temperature in the room dramatically decreased.
“There’s something else in here,” he insisted to the others. “Do you feel that presence?”
Agent Powers looked around but not seeing or feeling anything. He was confused. Maybe it was magical or spiritual? He was not familiar with stuff like that since he was raised to be a fighter. His thinking skills were limited to home school, text books and some video games so he was rather daft in this environment. He replied, "Ummm......I don't see or feel anything." This was true for the muscle headed teenage boy, but then he wondered if his outer body was keeping him from feeling that "presence" Choi mentioned.
"I only got as far as Prue died under mysterious circumstances. However, there was more which I'll need to read later." The sudden shift in temperature distracted Alysssa for a moment. "Yes, I felt that. That sudden cold." It was an uneasy feeling, Alyssa just knew this couldn't be good.