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View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji

View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi
The Shade Unbound
JP with Sung, Moon and Sartre
Halliwell Manor Attic - San Francisco, CA
"You dont have to collaborate, though you can look for papers can't you miss Eun Ji? and what is bothering you?" Peter exclaimed in exasperation. As they talked, somewhat tersely, they all immediately heard a loud commotion coming from the basement. Suddenly there was a loud gust of wind as the afternoon began to storm. “There's something going on down there........" Peter shouted and then ran from the attic to the basement.
Eun-Ji wanted to throw the darn Book of Shadows at the smug Illuminati agent with a plucky know-it-all attitude. What did he think she was doing before he interrupted her? The three other illusions of her throughout the room shimmered subtly as if she were about to unleash their shattering effects on the man; however, the sudden commotion halted her actions.
The attic felt like it literally shifted with whatever commotion was happening below. It caused her to lose her balance and she lurched forward, using the table to help keep her upright and her right foot shifted to brace her weight. When her heel hit the floorboard, it felt unexpected in how much it depressed. That was interesting.
She waited until the Illuminati agent left and then dropped down to the floorboard to take a closer look. She was right, it was a false panel with a space beneath. She easily used the hook side of her hammer to pry it open, while thinking that hammers trump sword every time Master Sung.
Inside the revealed space, Eun-Ji found a very old copy of the King James Bible. Upon a swift once over, she noticed it was labeled "The holy Bible and the Apocrypha of Saint Ede the Pious " Now out of all things to hide, why this book? She planned to take it with her and placed it inside her side purse.
As Eun-Ji placed the floorboard back where it belonged, she noticed a piece of paper that had fallen off the table to the floor when she lost her balance. It mentioned a "P3 Apothecary" Shop that is currently in business in San Francisco. She grinned, after this manor was searched thoroughly, she had her next destination.
Sung was speechless he had never seen anything quite like this in his years. This was no normal wording and the magic behind it was old. It did not take a genius to see that. Any rookie would know this. Now Sung had a good idea of what could be in the closet. He wasted no time and taped on the back of the closet. there was a hollow sound as he taped.
it was an idem something from the past an anchor for magic that was used in a ritual probably. with little effort, Sung stepped in and just broke the back all in a cubby behind the closet was a small wooden box about the size of a cigar box. He turned and walked to the middle of the room. and slowly opened it He was correct it held The scalpel of Ragley, a pearl neckless of a woman, and a gold bracelet.
Sung looked at the others "The history, and some of the focus of the magic once used." commented Sung. "what did you find?" asked Sung knowing Eun-Ji got something from the floor and could not hide the noise.
Eun-Ji was beginning to think that an enormous amount of time could be spent investigating this attic. The Book of Shadows alone could become a life work, no doubt. Her mission wasn’t such endeavors, though she would be sure to inform the Voice of the Dragon, when she got a chance about what they found at the manor. Perhaps the Dragon would have further plans when it came to the Halliwell estate?
“I found a Bible hidden under a floorboard and another address I think we should investigate once done here.” She replied.
Unbeknownst to Eun-Ji, the spiritual energy that erupted from the book in the basement had caused several items in the house to shift or fall over. This included the attic and everything seemed to play out according to the laws of physics; nothing out of the ordinary. One of those objects was a container that toppled off a shelf in the attic, rolled and fell to the floor, shattering the seal on the exterior just enough to weaken its hold on the nightmarish creature it imprisoned. Though weakened over time, the Shade managed to seize this opportunity to escape.
It couldn’t stay in the attic. The protective charms radiating from the Book of Shadows repelled its very existence. The book in the basement; however, was like a lure of negative potential. It seeped like a dark mist through the floor of the attic and made its way into the basement. It was currently immaterial, like a shadow merging with the darkness down below. It could sense living things present and was hungry to suckle on their fear while feasting on the marrow of their bones.