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View character profile for: Ibn al Saif

View character profile for: Kailus Elboran
Kailus: A rude introduction to the gruel of manual labour
Kailus was already regretting the decision to join. The forced practice and the physical effort was making him sweat. Most unbecoming a noble.
It was bad enough that he had to forgo his fine noble silks for this common garb, but the engage in common manual labour?
He breathed to suppress his annoyance. This was a necessary evil in order to aid his escape. Ten gold coins were hardly enough to even start to compensate him. At least he did not need to money at the moment, that need would come soon enough that he did not want to dwell on its arrival. For now he had the basic provisions: Knife, Water Skin, Birth Amulet (tucked under his shirt), Long Bow, Leather Armour, Hereditary sword, Pouch of various herbs, Signet Ring (Not a royal seal, but the distinctive seal of his mother’s family), Pen & Ink (1oz vial), Compass, Lantern, Hooded, Flint / Tinder, Oil (1 pt flask), Trail Rations (5D), Journal, Fishing Hook & Line, Red Candle (for wax seals), Some Small Candles, Blanket, winter, Silk Rope (50ft), Spy Glass.
He bit his tongue and played his part with Chard, trying to learn what he was being taught and performing like a trick pony on demand.
His longbow was his weapon of choice, but he had some proficiency with the sword, a noble's sword, unlike the heavy longsword that most warriors carried. And he of course had his knife, not a seeming weapon for a noble, but it was this knife that had helped him escape from the savages that had ambushed him. He would not underestimate that again. And though Mitra taught forgiveness, he would have a hard time trusting barbarians again. They had no culture. He hissed out a prayer to the one god to help him get through his current trial.
When at last it came time to rest, Kailus wreaked of his own sweat. He dabbed himself with a wet cloth in the absence of a hot bath, silently cursing his misfortune. How the mighty had fallen! But there would be much more than this to come before he had put enough distance between himself and his father's men.
Kailus believes in Mitra
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