Venya: Meetings

Venya watched from a distance, as the caravan moved slowly along the road in her direction. Perhaps she could get a lift in one of the wagons, there were plenty of them after all, she would even work to pay for her ride. As she watched she heard a shout and two of the riders headed north, she watched as the caravan continued to move along, the men quickly re-appeared and rode to others before giving some of the men orders she couldn’t quite make them out despite her keen sense of hearing.

She hopped up and sat on the top of a nearby gatepost and waited for the caravan to arrive, watching it make its way slowly along the road to where she sat. Although she was intrigued as to what had caused the alarm, she had come from the other direction and apart from a few small groups of bandits and such she had seen little to cause that kind of a ruckus. Besides if she went to investigate they may think she was the cause of their alarm and you can't get a ride from a caravan if you kill any of it's guards she thought smiling to herself.

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