Condition Worsening

Sewer - Sheridan, Wyoming

Finlay continued to rest against the side of the tunnel, waiting for them to get moving again. His fatigue weighed heavily on him, and the sporadic muscle cramps were becoming increasingly painful. He was soaked to the bone and shivering from the cold, the wet clothes clinging uncomfortably to his body. His nipples felt like they could cut through metal they were so pronounced and hard. His lips were of a bluish tint.

Those with keen eyes might notice something unusual taking place admits the signs of onset hypothermia. Subtle shifts in his appearance. His body seemed to be resisting the form it had been forced into by the EAST agent telepath. At times, the contours of his physique momentarily hinted at a different shape—his original perceived self—before quickly reverting back to Lydia's form.

This internal struggle was a consequence of the involuntary transformation. Finlay's body, responding like an immune system rejecting a foreign entity, was desperately trying to revert to its perceived natural state. Unfortunately, the telepathic block placed on him prevented this change, leaving him in an unfamiliar and increasingly deteriorating state.

With each passing moment, his physical condition declined further. Fatigue deepened, the muscle cramps intensified, and the cold became more biting. Finlay, now trapped and unable to regain homeostasis, tried to remain hopeful that things would improve once they could get out of these dark sewer system.

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